Down, But Not Out

527 10 4

January 17, 2022

After the events of the Royal Rumble last night, Jake woke up in a hospital bed with a burning headache. He was connected to an IV drip to pump fluids through his bed as well. He looked over to see Liv asleep on a chair in the corner of his room. Poor girl, she must have been there for the whole night. Jake softly whispered her name until her eyes started to open. Once she worked out what was going on, a smile appeared on Liv's face.

"You're awake! Oh thank god!" Liv exclaimed

"Relax, babe. I'm fine" Jake replied.

"Fine? You call a concussion and a bout of dehydration fine?"

"Well...wait! Concussion? Dehydration? What the hell happened to me?"

"You don't remember?"

"I remember having a match with Brock?"

"Yeah, and do you know what happened?"

"I remember kicking out of an F5 and then he busted my head open"

"Is that all?"

"I remember the bell ringing and hearing my music, so I guess I won?"

"Yeah, you pinned him"

"I pinned him? That can't be right. I don't remember that happening!"

"The doctor said that might be the case. With the consistent dropping on your head causing the concussion, along with the blood you lost, he said you might have some trouble remembering parts of last night"

"Was that all that happened? Brock bloodied me and then I won?"

"You wrestled for another like 5 minutes, babe"

"You're kidding!"

"And then you collapsed backstage"

"Shit! So I guess I'm not so fine then"

"Not exactly. But you'll be okay eventually. A few day's break and you'll be as good as new. That's what I heard at least"

"I guess it could have been worse considering..."

"Considering who you were in the ring with? Yeah, I'd consider yourself pretty lucky!"

"Yeah, okay, I guess you're right. I'm sorry"

"I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have snapped at you like that"

"No it's fine. You're just worried, I understand"

"Thank you. Now what say we get you out of here?"

"Please! I don't know if I can last another minute in this place"

"You hate hospitals, I know"

"I'll have you know that before I started wrestling, I'd only ever been to a hospital 6 times in my life. And most of them were because people were being born!"

"And how many times has it been now?"

"Plenty! At least 8 times in the past year..."

"Exactly, and you told me you were going to be more careful"

"Come on! There's not much I can do when I'm in a match with Brock Lesnar!"

"You're right, you're right! Let's just get you out of here before I want to make you stay here permanetly" Liv said, rolling her eyes.

Liv called in a nurse to help unhook Jake from his machines. Jake signed all of his paperwork to check himself out, and then the couple was on their way.

"So... what do you want to do?" Liv asked/

"We could go home?" Jake replied.


"Why not?"

"Because we never get to actually explore the cities we go to for work! We're in Chicago, we have a day off. How about we actually enjoy ourselves for a change?"

"Okay, sure. Like I could say no to you now anyway"

"You're damn right you can't!"

"Well, what do you want to do? Where do you want to go first?"

"We could go to a garden, or we could take a walk down the river? Get some food in Little Italy? There's loads to do!"

Jake called for a taxi out the front of the hospital and the young lovers began their journey around the city of Chicago. Jake said the address of their first destination, Millennium Park. Liv lead Jake around the entire park, looking at everything see could. They walked past the monument and the fountain before they reached the final stop of their tour, the garden. Liv's face surprisingly lit up even more as she looked at all the dead plants in the garden, covered in the last layers of snow from the winter.

"Isn't it beautiful, Jake?"

"You mean all the dead, yellow plants that I can barely see through the snow?"

"No, they're beautiful! Just think how even more amazing this place looks during the spring. With all the colours! It would just!"

"Well, I'll tell you what, how about I promise you right now that we'll come back in the spring? When everything is in full bloom?"

"That sounds amazing!!!"

"I know something else that's amazing"

"Is it me?"

"Well, yes...but I was going to say food. I'm starving!"

"Food is pretty amazing! Let's eat!"

The young couple left the half-dead garden and headed down the road to find some food.

"Look! Pizza!!!" Liv screamed.

" You know there's about 8 of those down this road, right?"

"Well then, let's pick one!"

"How about this one then? We're already standing in front of it"

"It's perfect!"

"It's food, of course it's perfect to you" Jake muttered under his breath.

"What was that?"

"I said it's great. Let's sit"

Jake and Liv shared an extra large pepperoni pizza between them. They joked and laughed around as the ate. Jake feed Liv a slice of pizza, but every time she would try to take a bite, he would move the slice away from her mouth.

"Hey!" Liv exclaimed jokingly. "C'mon, let me eat!'

Jake let out a soft laugh with a smirk as he pretended to feed Liv the slice of pizza again. This time, as he pulled away, he planted a kiss on her lips instead. Liv smiled and kissed him back before finally she was allowed to eat her food.

Liv In The Moment (Liv Morgan x OC)Where stories live. Discover now