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March 22, 2021

New Orleans, LA
Jake had searched everywhere over the past week. He had asked other WWE superstars to go look. He had called police. He had spoken to the McMahon's. Nobody had any information about Bray, and more importantly, no information about Liv.

Jake travelled to Miami, where he had escaped from the Funhouse before, but when he went to the location, the Funhouse was nowhere to be seen. Almost like it had been picked up and transported to a different location. Or as if it had never existed.

Jake travelled with the rest of the Raw roster to New Orleans for work this week. He had found it hard to focus much on wrestling when his girlfriend had been kidnapped, but he knew the best way to find Liv was to show up to work and hope Bray Wyatt found him.

Jake wandered around the backstage area. He didn't know what to do with himself. He couldn't wrestle because his mind was so focused elsewhere that he would just get his ass handed to him. Jake walked around aimlessly until he spotted someone backstage that he thought might be able to help.

"Matt! Matt! I really need your help", Jake said.

"Ah, yes. You sir, seek the wisdom of the vessel known as Matthew Hardy. How can I be of service Master Jake of the house Blade?"

"Ah, right. Um. I need your help finding Bray Wyatt."

"Yes, the vessel know as Bray Wyatt has done many a terrible thing in his time. I was informed of your misfortunes during the previous seven days. Of course I will be of your assistance."

"You battles with Bray and you also teamed with him. How can I find him?"

"Ahhh, my dear boy. You do not find master Wyatt. He simply finds you."

"But how do I get Liv back? He said I could have her if I gave myself to him. What does that mean?"

"Master Wyatt wants your vessel, my friend. I couldn't tell you what he has planned for it, but if my premonitions are correct, than the one they call The Fiend, wishes to do battle with The Outlaw."

"So, he wants a match?"

"Not just any match. A battle in which he can bring forth immense pains on to you. A battle with such brutality that when you have been DELETED, he can take your vessel for himself, and do which he desires."

"I know exactly what I have to do."

Jake slapped Matt on the shoulder and ran to gorilla and told the production team to play his music. Jake made a quick entrance to the ring and quickly grabbed a microphone and began to cut a promo.

"Bray! I know you can hear me! I want you to get your ass out here, and face me like a man!"

Wyatt didn't appear. Instead, his face showed up in the titantron again.

"Hello again, friend. It's been a while, has it not? Have you finally come to your senses? Are you prepared to sacrifice yourself for the cause. Will you give me what I want?"

"I know what you want, Bray. I know you want me, and I know you want my soul. But what about what I want? I want my damn girlfriend back! I want the love of my life in my arms every night. But you took that from me! I've you want me so bad, then you'll have to come get me. Bring me Liv Morgan and you can have me."

Bray laughed on the screen again.

"Well done, my friend. I knew it was only a matter of time before I had you again. Only a matter of time before I would have everything I need once again. You can have your girl, Outlaw. But you won't have her for long."

"You didn't let me finish, Wyatt. Bring me Liv, and you can have me. You can have me, at Wrestlemania. Where you can do whatever you do wish to me, but only if I get to do the same to you. Bring me Liv, and you have me at Wrestlemania. No. Holds. Barred"

Bray simply laughed at Jakes proposal with a massive devilish grin. He finished laughing and looked straight down the camera with a serious look on his face. Bray Wyatt simply nodded once and his video feed cut to black. Jake knew he had accepted his challenge.

Liv In The Moment (Liv Morgan x OC)Where stories live. Discover now