Beast vs Blade

400 5 0

January 16, 2022

Chicago, IL
Tonight was the 2022 Royal Rumble event. Someone was booking their ticket to the main event of Wrestlemania 38 in Charlotte. Jake, on the other hand, had his own issues to worry about. A 280+ pound beast by the name of Brock Lesnar. Jake was giving up a significant weight advantage to the former 8 time WWE world champion, but that wasn't going to stop him from bringing the fight to his opponent. Jake was finishing up with his attire when Liv came in. She had just finished showering from competing in the women's Royal Rumble match for the 5th time, and being successful for the 5th time.

"Hey baby" Liv said.

"Hey Liv, how you feeling?" Jake asked, looking up from his shoes.

"I'm okay. A little sore but that's how this job goes"

"Yeah, I know"

"I just wish they'd actually let me win something for once, you know?"

"You just need to be patient. Your time will come soon enough"

"That's easy for you to say Mr. I'm facing Brock Lesnar and I'm the Intercontinental Champion"

"Okay, I get your point. But I'm only here because I've worked hard and kept going. You just need to keep doing the same and they will be more opportunities for you"

"You promise?"

"I pinky swear, Liv" Jake replied, holding out his pinky.

Liv returned the pinky shake and helped Jake up to his feet. SHe handed him his jacket and they made their way to gorilla for his match which was up next. Triple H met them there and he gave Jake some last minute instructions before Jake's music played. Jake gave Liv a last kiss on the lips before he made his entrance to the adulation of the hot Chicago crowd. Jake waited in the ring as Brock's music played and he and Paul Heyman made their way to the ring. Brock jumped up on the ring apron, setting off almost deafening pyro in every corner. This made Jake stumble back slighting causing a grin to appear on the Beast's face.

"The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from Adelaide, Australia, weighing in at 248lbs, "The Outlaw", Jake Blade!"

Mike Rome began to introduce Brock before he was cut off by Paul Heyman.

"No no no no no. Surely you know how this works by now, right? Ladies and Gentlemen, my name is Paul Heyman. And tonight, it is my absolute privilege to introduce to you, fighting out of wherever the damn well he pleases, weighing in tonight at 292lb. The Chicago Conquering Beast that has a plane to catch in 10 minutes after he F5s the life out of the worst WWE Intercontinental Champion I've ever seen in my entire life, BROCK LENSAR!"

The crowd began to get rowdy as the bell rang and the match was underway. Brock came out of the blocks hot, as he usually did, driving Jake spine first into the corner turnbuckle. Lesnar struck Jake with a series of shoulder tackles and stiff knee strikes to his abdomen. When Brock let up, Jake collapsed out of the corner. Brock laughed at him again and he watched Jake struggle to his feet. Jake used the ropes to pull himself up but as soon as he was nearly to his feet, Brock grabbed him around the waist and threw him over his own head with a German suplex. The crowd chanted "1" as Paul Heyman held up a single finger. Brock lifted Jake up a second time and threw him again with a German suplex, this one sending Jake rolling outside of the ring.

Lesnar followed Jake out the ring, stalking him on the arena floor. Brock watched as Jake used the steel steps to pull himself up, clearly feeling the pain from the early attack from the Beast. Brock ripped Jake away form the steps and dropped him on the back of his neck with a German suplex on the outside, the third one for the night. Brock then removed the covering of the announce table, sending commenters scurrying away. The Beast lifted The Outlaw back up and onto his shoulders. Brock spun around and F5 Jake crashing through the announce table.

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