Ripped Apart

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April 14, 2020

Orlando, FL
Jake and Liv pulled up into Jake's driveway. He grabbed their bags and brought them inside. It was about 6pm so they decided to order some food and watch Smackdown.

About an hour into the show, it cut backstage to a pre recorded promo. It was from Ruby.


"Hello, Smackdown. Miss me? Or should I say, miss us?"

Sarah Logan appeared from begins Ruby.

"The Squad is back home. Back to the place where we debuted. What's that? Where's Liv? Funny. When we left Raw, we left behind everything that was holding us down for success. And that includes Liv Morgan. You see this title around my waist? You wanna know why it took so long for this to be in my possession? Simple. The Riott Squad is meant to be all for one and one for all, but, somebody wasn't pulling their weight. Liv Morgan is the reason that Ruby Riott wasn't Women'a Champion. Liv Morgan is the reason that the Riott Squad asked to be traded over to SmackDown. Liv Morgan, is a screw up."

Sarah and Ruby began cackling to each other backstage.

"You see, that's why we left little Liv on Raw. Because Liv Morgan is dead weight. That's why, on our return to SmackDown, we've chosen a new third member of the Riott Squad. Someone that can hold their own. Someone that won't cause a problem. Somebody that won't screw everything up. Someone by the name of...

Rhea Ripley

Rhea appeared on the opposite side of Ruby with a devilish smirk on her face.

"The Riott Squad is now complete and better than ever before. With these two women behind me, Smackdown Live better prepare for a riot"

Rhea pushes in front of Ruby to speak.

"And if anyone, especially Liv or her failure of a boyfriend, has a problem with that, then they can deal with me. And I'll rip them apart.

Rhea and Ruby smirked down the camera as Sarah let out a howl before it faded to black and went to commercial.


"Well that was...intense", Jake said. "Are you okay?"
"I guess", Liv replied softly.
"Are you sure? I mean, you heard what they said about you."
"Yeah, I heard it.", Liv snapped.
"I have to use the bathroom"

Liv got up and ran into the bathroom down that hall. Jake ran after her but Liv slammed the door in his face as he reached her.

"Come on, Liv. Come out and we can talk", Jake said.
"LEAVE ME ALONE!", Liv yelled back.
"Please babe"
"I'm not going anywhere."

Jake slid down the door and leaned against he. He wasn't going anywhere until he spoke to Liv.

About 10 minutes before Jake heard the lock on the bathroom door open but the door remained shut.

"Okay, I'm coming in", he said.

Jake slowly opened the bathroom door and noticed Liv sitting in the shower with her head in her lap. He could hear her crying so he went and sat down next to her.

"Hey, come on. No more tears. Tell me what's going on."

Liv slowly put her head up and Jake could see just how much she had been crying. Liv wiped her eyes with her hand before laying her head on Jake's shoulder.

"You think she really meant all that?", Liv asked.
"Who, Ruby? Absolutely not", Jake replied.
"Are you sure? Because it sounded so sincere."
"We both know how much Ruby adores you. She would never say anything like that about you for real."
"Yeah but she said it on tv."
"And I bet you the whole thing was written by a crazy 70 year old."
"Yeah, you're probably right. Still, it hurts, you know?"
"Of course, baby"
"And maybe she's right. Maybe I was the weak link in the squad. Maybe that's why they loved them away from me."
"That's so not true. They moved them away because Vince is an asshole that likes to watch the world burn. He knew he had something good with the Riott Squad so he got rid of it. Just like he does everything."

Jake wrapped his arms around Liv, pulled him closer to him and kissed her head.

"Hey, do you mind giving me a moment?", Liv said. "I want to give Ruby a call."
"Of course. I'll wait for you on the couch."

Jake got up and kissed Liv's cheek before leaving the bathroom and sitting back down on the couch. About 5 minutes later, Liv joined him while finishing up her phone call.

"Okay, I love you too. Talk to you later. Bye bye."

"So everything's okay?", Jake asked.
"Yep! Everything's all good!", Liv replied "She explained that Vince forced them to move and he told them they weren't allowed to say anything or risk being fired."
"Yikes. That guy doesn't going easy on anyone."
"Not at all. Oh, and Rhea said she wanted to apologise for calling you a failure."
"Yeah, I know. I just got her text."

All of a sudden, Liv planted a passionate kiss on Jake's lips.

"What was that for?", he asked.
"That's for being there and not leaving me, even when I told you to leave.", Liv replied.
"Of course, I promised to always be with you."
"Well, I have an idea then."
"I'm listening."
"How would you feel about me moving in her. You know, like properly?"
"Really? Do you want to?"
"Of course. With the squad now on Smackdown, you're my new travelling partner, so we might as well stay in the same place all the time. And I spend most of my time here anyway, and it'll save us from always stopping at my house to get stuff if all my stuff is here already."
"Well, I think it sounds like a great idea", Jake said.
"Awesome! Let's go celebrate!"
"I was thinking we go celebrate in OUR bed", Liv said winking.

Jake sprang up to his feet and led Liv very quickly into the bedroom.

Cut to black

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