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"You guys should come over! We could hang out!" I said happily through the phone. I haven't talked to Austin in a few week, but Collin, Brad and I became closer. They became some of my best friends.

"We'll be there soon sweetie!" Collin said through the phone as we both hung up. I decided to meet them in the lobby.

"Collin and Brad are coming over!" I said to Jessica.

"2 guys coming over at the same time? I don't know how I feel about that." Jessica replied.

"If you don't know, Collin and Brad are gay, so you have nothing to worry about." I giggled as I exited the house door into the lobby. I exited the elevator. I walked over to the concierge since he was fun to mess around with.

"Hey Josh!" I giggled as I hopped on his desk.

"Miss Lopez, you know you can't just hop on here." He said as he typed something on his computer.

"Oops, my bad." I giggled hopping off.

"You never hang out here, what are you doing here?" He asked.

"Well.. I'm waiting for a few friends." I giggled as I began walking backwards. "Whoa! I'm sorry." I said as I bumped into someone. I turned around to see, the one and only Austin.

"Hey Sara." Austin smiled. I stayed silent for a moment.

"Hey Austin." I said politely.

"How've ya been?" He asked.

"Awesome.. You?" I replied.

"I've been okay." He continued. Next thing I know, Brad and Collin walked into the room.

"Sara! We were thinking, we could get food." Collin said walking in. I nodded.

"I'll see you next time." I said saying bye to Austin. That was the most awkward eat conversation ever.

Romance with my Idol?Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant