Act Calm

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After the dinner, I was in complete shock.

"Night, I'm going to bed." I yawned as I walked into my bedroom. I changed into my pajamas and laid in bed. I drifted off to sleep. What would I do if I saw him again?

** Next Morning **

"Rise in shine." Jessica smiled from the kitchen.

"Good morning." I smiled. "It smells delicious." I said sitting down at the island.

"I'm glad you think so. I'm making pancakes and bacon." She smiled. "Oh, your father is at work." Jessica was actually really sweet for someone who might become my stepmom. I always thought stepmoms would be the type to try to steal the dad's away from the kids, but I guess I was wrong.

"Do you mind getting it?" She said. Someone was knocking on the door. I nodded as I walked towards the door.

"Oh. Hi." I saw a familiar face say. MICHELLE?! Okay, calm down Sarah. Pretend like you never seen her before.

"Hi." I replied with my voice shaking.

"C'mon, come over here." She said waving someone over. "I'm Michelle and this is my son Austin, and his friends Alex, Robert, and Zach." She smiled. My favorite people in the world were in front of me. I smiled nervously as they stared at me.

"Hi, I'm Sara." I smiled.

"Of course, you're Nick's daughter right?" She smiled. I nodded.

"Michelle, always good to see you." Jessica said walking to the door. I don't know why but the phrase 'Always good to see' always made me laugh because of the Becky/Camila situation. I giggled to myself thinking of the whole shade they pulled on Austin. "Come in." Jessica said letting them in. AUSTIN AND THE GUYS ARE IN MY HOUSE. Okay, let's not freak out. I walked to the couch and turned on the tv.

"I didn't know Nick had a daughter." Austin said as he and the guys sat next to me on the couch.

"Well, he does." I said nervously flipping through the channels.

"So.. You're moving out here?" Alex continued the conversation.

"Just for the summer." I replied. They nodded. I didn't mean to act rude but I didn't want them to know I actually cared who they were or I knew who they were.

"Well.. If you're interested, we're going to play basketball later, if you want to come?" Zach began.

"Dude, I don't think she wants to play basketball." Austin responded to Zach. That kind of ticked me off. Yes, I'm a girl and that stereotype of 'girls don't play sports' really ticked me off.

"First off, don't speak for me. And second. I would love to play basketball with you guys later." I replied. They all gave me a wide eyes look. "What? Ball is life." I smirked.

"You get that reference?" Robert said shockingly.

"Doesn't everyone?" I responded. They all gave me a shocked look but honestly I haven't played basketball ever in my life only if H.O.R.S. Counts but I always cheated on that.

"Well.. Meet you downstairs them." Austin smirked. I nodded. Michelle and the guys left.

"So.. What was that all about." Jessica smirked as she served me a plate.

"Nothing. Just don't tell them I freaked out when I knew who they were. I have a plan." I smirked back.

"You got it. But what kind of plan?" She laughed.

"Well.. I need to learn about basketball." I giggled.

"You are in a sticky situation." She laughed as we began eating.

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