Learn to Take Your Own Advice

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I got woken by someone shaking me. "What?" I mumbled into my pillow.

"Get up. We're going running." I heard my dad say. I sat up.

"I don't run." I replied. My father laughed.

"Well, let's change that." He said as he walked to my door. "Get up. We're leaving in 20 min. Change and then come eat breakfast." He continued as he left my room. I changed into a pair of Pink Nike shorts with a matching sports bra. I put on my running shoes as I went into the kitchen. I kept it simple for breakfast grabbing Lucky Charms and eating it without milk. Random, but I don't like milk with cereal.

"I'm ready." I said as I sat up from my chair. He nodded as we went to the elevator to go downstairs.

"Going for a run?" The concierge said as we walked to the door.

"Yes, can you have us 2 waters ready when we get back." My dad asked. The man nodded. "We are running the beach." My dad said excitedly.

"Do you know how big the beach is?!" I replied. He nodded.

"Let's go." He said as he crossed the street and began running. No way. I'm sorry but I don't run. I'd rather go to the gym. "Catch up Sara!" My dad yelled from in front of me.

"You run to fast!" I stopped trying to catch my breath. I began running again.

"Whoa!" I heard a voice say as I ran past them. "Sara!" They continued. I stopped and turned around to see Austin and the guys on segways.

"What are you doing?" Austin laughed as they all drove their segways over to me.

"Bonding time with my dad. But he's going to kill me." I replied. They all laughed. "I'm being serious. Well, I have to go. He's already down there and he'll be mad if he knows I ditched." I said turning around. I began running. I heard someone whistle and I turned around to see Austin smirking. "Can you not?" I said walking backwards. "Oh my god. I'm so sorry." I said.

"No worries." The boy giggled. I grabbed a few napkins that fell on the floor.

"No worries. I just spilled your coffee on your shirt." I said sorrily.

"It's no problem." He smiled. "Hey, we kind of met at the movie theater the other day." He replied. I looked at him trying to figure out his face.

"I remember you. I'm sorry about how my boyfriend acted. Don't worry, I kinda yelled at him after that." I giggled.

"No worries. You're a beautiful girl. I would get mad too." He smiled.

"Hey, let me buy you another coffee." I said pointing down to a Starbucks at the corner.

"Well, I can't pass up a Starbucks." He smiled. I turned to look at Austin a few feet away from us. He did not look okay with what I did.

"I'm Sara, by the way." I smiled as we waited at the crosswalk.

"I'm Collin. It's nice to meet you Sara." He smiled. I smiled back. We waited in line. He ordered his coffee. I ordered something as well.

"What are you doing?" I said pushing his card away.

"What?" He smiled as he handed over his card.

"I was going to pay. In the one who spilled your coffee on you." I replied.

"No worries." He smiled. Well. I guess it was okay. But I still felt bad.

"It was nice talking to you Collin. We should hang out sometime." I smiled.

"For sure. Do you mind if we exchange numbers." He asked. We handed our phones to each other and went our separate ways. I crossed the street to see Austin riding his Segway over to me.

"Did you not remember you have a boyfriend?" He said angrily.

"Excuse me. I can't have any opposite gender friends." I replied with the same attitude.

"So, you would be fine with me going to get coffee with another girl." He began.

"Go for it. Just don't flirt with her or cheat and it's good." I replied true-fully.

"You should learn to take your own advice." He replied.

"Excuse me. I wasn't flirting nor did I cheat on you. I think if I were to want to do that, I would've broken up with you first." I replied.

"So, we're broken up?" He asked.

"When did you learn to become such a jerk?" I said throwing my Starbucks. "If you're going to keep acting like this, then we are done." I yelled as I began walking back home. I entered our building.

"Would you like your water?" The concierge asked as I walked into the door.

"No thank you." I smiled as I made my way to my house.

"How was running?" Jessica smiled. I couldn't help what I did next. I full on bursted out into tears. And I have a fear of crying in front of people. "Aw, sweetie. That bad? What happened?" She said pulling me in for a hug.

"I- th-think Aus-tin and I just bro-oke up." I cried fumbling on my words. She pulled me in for a tighter hug.

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