Chapter 104

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"Usually, Gibbs is the one to bring me my drink, but I won't complain unless you stay here with me for a while."

"It's a deal." I brought Abby her drink this morning. I just felt like doing it. If he brings her another one later, it will be okay. She rather have more than less when it comes to her caffeine.

"How are the cases going?"

She sighs. "I would say fine, but it isn't true. But I will say what I've been saying since they took you away from me. Why give me you when I can't even have you?"

This has been a question we've been asking ourselves ever since I started working here to be honest. I agree with the question at hand. I was hired as a forensic assistant and only have done forensic work for a small percentage of my time here.

I haven't told her that I enjoy what I'm doing now. I would love to be back in the lab full time or be on the field with the other agents. That's just not how it is right now. I don't know why Gibbs put me to all this work, but the timing was perfect.

I lost two friends, which one had feelings for me, and I found out when he left. I dealt with Tim's jealousy, which I hope is going to be the last time. I had to patiently wait for Tim and Tony to finally find a balance in their outside relationship with me. Though, Tony had no idea about it, I'm glad they're getting along the way that they do.

The last thing I would need at that time would have been Gibbs knowing what I was going through with Tim. He knew about Sean and Adam and that's all that he needed to know to figure out what to do to make me not go insane.

"Melissa." Jack, the secretary at the desk comes in. He has fire red hair and dark blue eyes. He's about my height and is serious when it comes to being a secretary. I've noticed when the agents walk by, he smiles ear to ear when he sees them. He didn't do that to me a first, but then he saw me acting like one and started to do the same.

"Here's todays mail. Sorry that it's late, I got orders from Vance to take care of other things before I worried about this."

"Don't be silly. It's mail, everyone will be fine."

He smiles in relief. "Just in case that it wasn't, I saw one with your name on it. I put it at the top."

He smiles, says hello to Abby, and walks out of the room.

I look at the envelope with my name on it and that's all that it has. There's no stamp and no return address. My name is written in a nice script.

I open the envelope to see what's inside. I unfold the paper that's in there and it reads, "I've missed you."

This has to be from my man. I haven't seen him outside of work for a week now. I miss him too. I've been busy trying to keep up with Abby's new romance that isn't a romance and Ziva who keeps decorating her apartment. She won't stop adding things. I think she's thankful she found this place because it's honestly gorgeous and is really making it her own.

"By the way you're smiling I don't have to ask who it's from."

Abby says while still looking in the magnify glass. I don't know how she does it.

I put the note in my pocket and rip up the envelope before throwing it in the trash. I can't be too careful.

I walk room to room, desk to desk, giving out the mail. Most people don't look at me when I'm giving them their mail. They're too busy to care about what they're getting on paper.

I save the best for last and visit my agents. The only one getting mail today is Ziva.

"Thank you, Melissa." Of course, they look up from their computers when I come by. Even if I don't have any mail.

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