Chapter 55

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"Abby, you didn't have to call me because I am not doing anything for Christmas."

I was walking around a little strip mall and got coffee. It is one of the few places that are open today. I was going to make my way to the movie theater because they are never closed on Christmas. I would know because that is where I end up leaving by night time. Sometimes I watch two just, so I do not have to go back home.

"It's just that I have never heard anyone not doing anything that had celebrated Christmas before. Are you going to see Tim?"

"I haven't heard from him yet. I don't think so. It's already almost eleven, I think I would have heard from him by now."

"Melissa, I am all for movies, but you can't go to one alone."

"Okay, Abby, listen, I am used to being alone on this holiday. That is nothing to be upset about that is just how it is. Now, go spend some time with your brother."

"Wait! I just got an idea! Why don't you go visit Gibbs?"

I stop in my tracks. "I don't know if that is a good idea."

"Oh, stop. I promise you, he is doing nothing today and would really like the company."

"I don't even know where he lives."

"Do you know who are you talking to? I'll text it to you."

I hang up the phone and wait for her to text me. Tim left the GPS in my car, so I can just put it in there. I am going to stop home first. I am wearing a sweatshirt and pajama pants. I don't think I should be visiting my bosses house like this. Especially, on Christmas.

When I get home, there is no James to be found and that's when I remember it. Before I was to be considered old enough to walk alone, James was never here on Christmas. It was my mom's favorite holiday and he couldn't take it. It was ruined for him, so he decided to ruin it for me. Not only did I not wake up to presents on Christmas, I woke up to no father. He decided he wanted to drink with his friends at the bar, they weren't even his friends. That's what I assumed because it used to make me feel better about the thought. I knew he was coming home from the bar because not only did he wreak of what I compared to my mom's nail polish remover. He also would scream and yell and throw his body all over the place. I knew he sobered up when he stopped talking. He has been sober and silence ever since I graduated high school. That was six years ago, I don't know what it was, one day he just stopped. That could be changing right now. He could be relapsing as I change my clothes. I don't plan to be here to find out today. Maybe I will be here tomorrow, so he can yell at me and tell me it is none of my business.

I walk to my car in a jacket that is over my The Doors shirt, black leggings, and my trusty converse. I put the address Abby texted me and put it into the GPS.

I pull up to a blue house with an auburn door. The porch is small, but I think it is the perfect size. I walk up to the door and knock. No one answers for a while, so I ring the doorbell. I get the same outcome. I start to get nervous, I heard the story of Ziva's half-brother and she told me it happened in this house. I go for the door and it is unlocked. Thankfully, I still carry James' pocket knife.

I walk in and it is a small dining area that is basically right in the kitchen. The tv is in front of a sofa, chair, and a tiny coffee table. There isn't much lighting in this place, but I like it.

As, I roam around I hear something coming from below me. I find the door that hides the sound behind it and open it.

I see a huge wooden boat in the middle of the floor. The sound that I am hearing is Gibbs standing it. The stairs are wood as well. I wouldn't be surprised if he put the stairs together himself. I make my way down the stairs, but he hasn't noticed me yet. His back is facing me, and he is listening to the radio.

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