Chapter 59

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"The city! That's so romantic!" I cringe at Abby saying the word romantic. "Oh, come on Melissa. You are loving every second of it."

"I know. I know." We are sitting in her car outside a convenient store and she is drinking a Caf-Pow. She bought three just in case because she doesn't want to go back out for it later. The people there knew her by name. They told me my iced coffee was free because I was with her. Also, they looked at me like I had two heads because I got something iced in this weather.

"It's just so weird."

"Because we're so normal?" We both start laughing and she turns down Alice In Chains.

"Sometimes I just think, how is this possible? How is it that I have never done this before and it seems so easy with him?"

"You're just being paranoid."

"I'm not being paranoid I'm skeptical."

She almost spits out her drink. "Skeptical about what? You guys spend a good amount of time together. You told me about the argument you guys had and from where I'm sitting you guys handled it very well."

"Abby, we have only been official to each other for a while not it's just weird to have all of our emotions out there."

"You mean him and me? The only two other people that know besides you?"

"It's just I have never had these feelings or thoughts before, and with him, they are constant, and I can't imagine not having them."

She tries to hide her smile and starts stomping her feet.

"Abby don't say it. I know what you're going to say."

She covers and then uncovers her mouth. "Maybe it's fate!"

"There we go."

"No! I'm not letting you feel this way before you guys make your way to the city. Which you are excited for."

I try to hide my smile until she starts poking me in my side. "Yes, I'm excited! Oh God, I have never been to the city before. I remember I would dream of going there and then I resisted the fact."

"What for?" She sips her drink.

"Because of the Manhattan moms, the money, the designer brands, and all the people. You never have a minute to yourself when you're there."

"Maybe that's why the people that live there, live there. Maybe they hate the idea of being alone." She's got a point.

"I don't know. I guess the life style I grew up with, grew with me. I like my tiny home and tiny lawn. I guess it can't hurt to at least visit the city."

"You're being so resentful towards this. Yet, you're excited. I am so confused."

I sigh. "It's just that I am doing all these things that I became content with if I never got to do them. Now I can't believe they are happening. Damn, New York, I still can't believe it Abbs."

She shrugs. "The bright lights, the music, the history."

"Stop! You're reminding me why I wanted to go so bad."

"Why you want to still go so bad."

I pretend to get out of the car, but she stops me by putting the car in drive. "Not so fast, Peters. What do you intend on wearing to this night of festivities?"

I lick the straw to get all the whip cream that I added on top. "I haven't thought about it." I turn to her and see her smiling at the road and picking up speed.


"We're going to the mall!"

I know the first stop we are making and that's the coffee shop.

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