Chapter Fifteen

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"Easy now! The punching bag didn't do anything to you."

Ziva and I have been running, lifting weights, and wrestling each other. Now that I'm fighting a punching bag I'm getting a little restless. Being here doesn't make sense to me. I know I have to expect the unexpected. I just don't know what that is. Is being here the unexpected or am I preparing for it?

"Sorry." That's all I manage to say. I keep going at the bag as if its hurt me. Once I start I can't stop. It's just the way I grew up. "Did you train Abby like this?"

"I didn't train her." Bad answer. I hit the bag even harder. I know she notices and is trying to put the pieces together but so am I. She goes to the bag and holds it to make me stop.

We go to the bench to have a water break. I chug half of my bottle while Ziva takes a tiny sip from hers.

"Where'd you learn to fight?" Ziva moves fast and has great technique. When she's focused there is nothing stopping her. I was able to get out of her grasp three out of five times we "fought." To be fair, the fights went on for minutes. She always was one step ahead of me. She knew what I was going to do every time. When she didn't, it surprised us both.


"Oh no shit?"

"No shit."

I can't believe she was in Mossad, the national intelligence agency of Israel. From what I hear it's intense. No one cares if who you hit and when you do it. It doesn't even have to be self-defense.

"Good for you. That's something to be proud of."

She tenses up and avoids my compliment. "You fight pretty well yourself. Where'd you learn?"

I look around the room to avoid eye contact with her. "Nowhere taught myself."

"Usually, people need a reason to learn how to defend themselves."

She is trying to get me to look at her, but I won't. I'm not doing this right now.

"You and Tony. What's up with you two?"

She darts her head to face the wall. Not fun when you're on the other side is it?

She shrugs her shoulders and shakes her head. "We're just coworkers."

Yeah, right. I know toddlers that lie better than that.

"Does he come on to every woman he meets?" I'll play nice.

"Ha! More than you could believe."

We laugh and make our way for the elevator. We pass many men working out on machinery. I see them but they're not catching my eye. I liked it better when Ziva and I were fighting. At least my head was in a concentrated space. I look to our left and I see treadmills. The perfect machine to go on when you want to talk.

"Hey, how about the treadmills before we go up?"

She nods and we make our way there. We both start out walking. I hope she plans to stay that way because we're about to have a chat.

"Do you know how Abby did when she was down here?"

"I'm not sure she did. She was here years before me."

"You think they changed the rules?"

She gives me the I don't know look and increases the speed on her machine.

"I hope Jimmy was okay yesterday. I tried to ask him if everything was okay, but I got the feeling him and Ducky were busy."

"They always are." She increases the speed again.

I increase my speed by a little.

I want to ask her how she went from Mossad to NCIS. I know that would lead to her asking how I ended up here, so I won't. I want to ask her about McGee. I know she will see right through me, so I won't. I know there's something more than an office flirtation with Tony. Her fighting skills are stronger than mine, so I won't. The next best thing is getting answers from someone else.

We hit the showers and the sound of the water fills the room. I don't know who to go to that will answer my questions. I want to ask McGee but what if it scares him off? Ziva hasn't said anything since we left the gym. Maybe I scared her off like I will everyone if I keep this up.

"Is this going to be a thing now? Us going to the gym?"

"Like I said you fight well." I hear her turn the water off and the curtain open. I stay in a minute longer to breathe easier.

"I'm going to give Gibbs a report and he will go from there."

We get dressed in different stalls and head to the squad room. I like the way my damp hair looks against my black Misfits shirt. It ends where my olive cargo capris start.

Ziva looks comfortable as usual. She's wearing cargo pants but they're gray. Her black vest over her black short sleeved shit really pops. It's something I would wear. Her hair is up ad she is wearing the Star of David around her neck. It's beautiful on her.

Everyone is in the squad room when we get there. The first person to catch my eye is Abby. We make eye contact and run up to each other and hug like in the movies. I'm glad she missed me as much as I missed her. She plays with my damp hair and asks if she can braid it. Gibbs gives us a quick smile and looks away.

"Fun day with Ziva?" McGee looks at me from head to toe and my heart begins to race. I never cared about what anyone has to say about my outfit. With McGee, I really hope he likes it.

"The Misfits! Okay a little more up my alley, you're getting there!" Abby says pulling me off the desk and spinning me around.

"Abby how was your day? Anything good happen in the lab?"

Everyone's body jumps when she squeals and covers her mouth with her hands. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It's just I have wanted this moment with someone forever."

She sits me back up on McGee's desk and starts to braid my hair. I can't wait to hear everything I missed. After she tells me everything I will beg her to take me to the lab and let me help her. I don't even have to help her I can just watch her work. I just want to be back in the lab doing something I know I'm good at.

"I appreciate you giving me something I have always wanted. But I got nothing today." My shoulders fall, and my face shows my disappointment. Luckily no one is looking at me to see. "I went over a few items from cold cases but there wasn't much there."

She finishes my braid and raves about how good I look. Her excitement is making everyone look at me and it's making my face red.

"Yeah Peters it looks nice." Gibbs says as he gets his stuff and heads out.

Tony and Ziva grab their stuff too. Is the day over already? I didn't notice how fast the day went by.

"Melissa you look nice. No fighting without me okay?"

"Of course, Ziva. I'll call you before anything goes down, so I have time to stretch."

She smiles and heads out with Tony walking backwards behind her. "Too bad you're not blonde Peters. I could show off your braids and make you apart of the Brady Bunch."

Another poor joke Tony. He's done better jokes before.

"Still got that GPS in your car?" McGee stands in front of me and puts out his hand. He pulls me off his desk and my breathing changes. I try to hold my breath, so he can't tell. I do think he is going to tell if I faint right here in front of him.

"I do." I inch closer to him. "But who says I'm going to give you a ride?" He rolls his eyes and smirks at me. My body temperature went from average to volcano.

I follow him shaking the nerves out of my hands. The elevator arrives, and he lets me walk on first. I stare at him because he is staring at me. I put my arm out and move my body towards him. He is looking down at me and moves closer. My hand pushed the button.

"Forgot something Tim?" I hold my head high and he laughs.

What Really Happens: NCISDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora