Chapter 69

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"Tim, we're not in Manhattan anymore." We're driving around many apartment buildings. It's buildings after buildings with shops at the bottom. We pass a diner that looks so old school. The neon lights are blinding, and it is still day time. There is graffiti, but I don't want to call it that. I know graffiti is a form of art, but people have put such a harsh tone on the name. The art is beautiful, full of colors. I can tell that one word says FREE. We take a turn and see another wall with all types of colors say LOVE.

There are people just hanging out on the stoop of the buildings. The ones that are walking don't look as if they're in a rush. More people here are smiling instead of having a blank face. There people at benches, sitting at tables playing chest. Kids are running around, but their parents have a clear view of them. It is safe here, and there is more grass over here than in Manhattan.

"No, Melissa we are in Queens."

I know what he said, but I don't want to tear my attention away from the window. I can actually see the sky over here. I can hear people talk, and luckily, they can hear themselves. I don't want to sound ungrateful for the apartment, but I wish his friend's apartment was here instead.

"There it is." Tim pulls the car to the side and puts the gear in park. I don't give him a chance to come and open the door for me. I'm too excited to see what this place has to offer.

I'm walking towards the sign that reads ROCK "N" SHOTS. The words are in a sign that's an arrow pointing down. There are colors popping out of the entrance onto the walls. It looks so psychedelic, that I think my legs are moving faster than Tim's.

He grabs my hand and I look over to him. "You look sexy today."

"Is that sarcasm?"

I brow wrinkles. "No, why would you say that?"

"I'm wearing a t-shirt with jeans."

"Believe me, I noticed." I give him a smirk, and he kiss me on my cheek. He squeezes my hand a little tighter. I only like when he wears suits because that's who he is. I like when guys just look normal and wear exactly what he's wearing now. When I see his button shirt, I just want to unbutton. When I think about that, I think about how last night he left the bowtie on when he took off his shirt. We get to the stairs and I stop myself from thinking about last night.

When we make it down the stairs, the door is already open. The lighting is dim and there are tables everywhere. The booths against the wall are all round. The tables are tiny, with no cloths on them, just salt and pepper. The vibe in here is rustic, and perfect. Just like the restaurant last night, there is a stage in the back. The stage is black, and the walls are built with brick. The lights for the stage aren't lit fancily. They are red, green, and plain lights. There's a set of drums, a guitar, and three microphones.

There's a bartender who tells us to sit anywhere. There aren't many people at the tables, but it's almost lunch time. I don't mind though, because more room for us to get the experience of this place. I point to the booth that is closest to the stage. He lets me get in first, while he goes and gets us drinks from the bar.

A table filled with three people catch my attention. It looks like they're having a serious conversation. They have a pile of papers sitting on the table. The woman has colorful clothing, her hair is dark, wavy, and long. One guy has blond hair down to his neck. He's wearing jeans with a white t-shirt. The other man has round glasses, with a beard so long I can't see his neck. He's wearing a pink button up with jeans. They're all drinking beer, by the looks if it, they're on what might there their fifth. The table next to them is filled with empty glasses.

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