Chapter 87

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"Are you sure you're alright?"

"How could they have seen her?"

"Were they still there when you got there?"

"How did they break in?"

I'm sitting at Tim's desk staring at the floor. Ziva is sitting at hers with a towel wrapped around her. Her hair is wet like everything else on her body. When I glance at her from time to time, she's doing the same thing I am. Everyone is talking around her, but she's not focused on that. If I know Ziva the way that I think I do, I bet she's thinking how this could have happened. How did they know she was there? How didn't she know they were following her?

It's what everyone is asking but not getting an answer too. It's what Ziva is wondering but not saying out loud. She's probably beating herself up about it and no one cares. They just want to find the guys. I do too, but Ziva needs someone. She won't say it or accept the company. It might make her shut down more and I don't want to risk that. She rather sit there like the others and wonder, how? Yet, it's not the first question I'm thinking about.

All I can think is, why? Why did they follow her to attack her place? Why didn't they approach her? I mean, I know I wouldn't dare approach her, but they don't know her like I do. They couldn't have known that she's a fighting machine. When I first met her, I had a feeling that she could hold her own. I was 100% sure, when I heard she was a part of Mossad and took on those three guys right here in this room.

"That's it."

Everyone turns to me. Ziva breaks eye contact with the floor to do the same.

"What if those three guys that came in here as a witness to Sean saw you? A glimpse of luck for them and noticed you were watching?"

I can hear Gibbs voice more than background noise to my thoughts. "Peters."

"I mean come on." I'm frustrated with this just like everyone else. I never thought this could happen. None of us did. "I know you're good at what you do Ziva. That's why I said a glimpse of luck for them. Luck being the key word here people."

Tim comes to put his hands on my shoulders to relax me. It doesn't work the way it does when we're arguing or he's just trying to get me to calm down. This time it's our friend that's been affected by someone's hyenas act. How can anyone be calm in this situation?

After staring at me for a couple more seconds, everyone starts to still wonder what the hell is going on. Tony jumps on his computer with Abby by his side. He looks up at Ziva while still typing. He's worried about her. We all are, but I see something else when he stares at her. I just don't know what it is.

Gibbs asks Tim to do something techy on the screen. I wouldn't know what he meant if I even was paying attention. My mind goes blank again while staring at the floor.

"She's right everyone." It's the first thing I hear Ziva say since I got here. "That's the only explanation. Someone saw me. I messed up."

"That's not what I said." Everyone's eyes are going back and forth like they're watching a round of tennis.

"That's why I'm saying it." She shoots back at me.

I don't think she messed up. I said that they got lucky. Why isn't anyone listening to me? I know I'm not listening to them but I'm useless in this room anyway. I should be in the lab or talking to people that would help us. Besides, going back and forth with each other about what we mean and don't mean isn't going to help anybody.

People that could help us. I don't think they can help us now, but they're who I haven't seen since I got here and want the company of.

I get to the boy's room and they jump to their feet.

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