Chapter 76

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Everyone is in the squad room watching a video of Sean. He's at the end of the street outside of a restaurant. He's waiting for someone. He's anxious. He keeps looking over his shoulder. He doesn't feel safe.

I'm praying that no drugs are involved. No violence, and nothing illegal. I don't pray a lot, but in this moment it's all I can do.

The way he looks right now is making my stomach turn. His body language shows that he's frightened. He was the brave one out of the two of us. I've never seen him like this before. His head was always held high, he walked like he owned the streets. Everyone knew that he owned me. I don't mean in the disgusting way. I mean I was his and he was mine. Everyone knew it and didn't mess with it.

All of our eyes focus when we see his body language change. He smiles at something that we can't see. His head is moving at 50mph making sure that no one is watching. I wonder if he knows he was being watched by the camera.

"You can't make the picture clearer McGee?" Tony asks in frustration.

"I'm trying. This system is so old and cheap. They might as well have the security system of a disposable camera."

"It's a family owned business it's all they can afford." I want everyone to shut up and let me focus on this video. Something has to happen soon if John is getting murdered or is already murdered at this time. I try to think that Sean wouldn't do anything to criminalize himself in anyway. Then again, he's a part of a group that never says they're sorry. Mostly, because they don't get caught, because no one is trying to mess with them.

Someone approaches Sean, and my body might be blocking everyone else's view, but I don't care. It's a female, I know that much by the figure. I can see straight blonde hair sticking out of the black hood she is wearing. They're talking, but we don't know about what. We're all waiting for her face to be revealed.

Abby called me while we were on the way back saying that the prints from the three that were here earlier didn't match. The prints that were on the door knob weren't in the system. Which means it can't be anyone that is a part of the gang. They all have records. Which makes me wonder, did we waste our morning spending it with the people we thought did it? They didn't do it and that sounds like a waste to me.

It looks like the two of them are arguing. They aren't yelling at each other. We can tell they are stressed out and look lost. The girl is finally looking around just like Sean was.

Tim is paying close attention to the screen, maybe more than me.

"Freeze it McGee." Gibbs says at just the right moment. Tim listens and I couldn't believe what I saw.

It's Sugar. The girl that Sean was meeting, was Sugar? Gibbs confirms my thought out loud and they let the video play after Tim captures the shot.

The girl that Whisk clearly controls? What are they talking about? Why would they meet secretly? Why is watching him now hug her bother me so much?

"Ziva. DiNozzo."

"On it, boss." Ziva and Tony grab their things head for the elevator.

The video stops, but I'm still staring at the screen. I don't want to move. I don't want to move unless it's towards the lab. I don't want to work up there. I don't want to hear everything that is going on. I just want to hide on the floor and curl up. I know he's innocent like I've known all along, can it be over now?

First, he reminds me of the funeral. Then, I learn he was only across town and didn't bother ever coming over. I don't care when he figured it out, he should have done it. Last, I find out he is a good member of the gang we were investigating. I don't care that Whisk said that he leaves when things get too intense. I don't care if he looked out for John in the end. I don't care about any of that. I don't know who he is anymore.

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