Chapter 91

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After hugging me and paying no attention to Tim, Abby suggest that we just sit in her office and talk about us. I couldn't be more relieved that we have this time to talk and figure everything out. Not more relieved than her when she saw that I was alright. I would be the same way if I thought any of them were in danger, even Ziva.

We sit in a triangle on the floor of her office. I sit close to Tim, just not too close in case anyone decides to walk in.

"I understand that she's been going through a lot. I get that. That doesn't mean you go out of your way to drug someone to get what you want."

Tim places his hand on my thigh. I wish that when Gibbs said go home, he would have suggested that Tim went along. I wouldn't have objected to that.

"Melissa's right, Abby. I know Ziva will do anything to get back at the people that hurt her. I just never thought she would do it to her own."

Abby shakes her head. She doesn't want to agree, but she knows she doesn't have a choice. This is real life. Someone that we love is acting out in a way that none of us understand.

I can't help but want to fix it. I want to know why she thought she had to do that to me. I want to know who hurt her in her past. She already told me the story about her half-brother and Kate. That story alone, is enough to make anyone realize that her upbringing was never a walk in the park.

I keep thinking about the look on her face when she told me she put sleeping pills in my coffee. She couldn't have cared less about what she did. She didn't think it was a big deal. I know that she's hurting, but she didn't show it then. She most definitely didn't show it this morning when we were sitting around eating breakfast. She didn't look too sad when I said I wouldn't tell anyone if we went to another town in her car just to get her outside and moving.

This bothers me so much. I wish it didn't come to any of this. I wish her apartment was never destroyed. That was the icing on the cake that is representing her life. If only I knew what layers built up to the Ziva that I don't know.

As I stare at the cold floor that has made my butt numb, I realize what I have to do.

"We have to get this over with."

The two of them look at each other in confusion because they don't know what I mean.

"I have to talk to her."

I press my hands against the floor and lift myself up.

Tim chases after me as I make my way out of the lab.

"Are you sure you want to do this right now?"

I sigh. "I don't have a choice Tim."

"But you do. I care for Ziva but I love you." His green eyes are filled with worry. The way he's looking into my eyes makes me feel like I have someone to love me always. "I don't like what she did to you. You have a right to be mad and stay mad for as long as you need."

He takes my hand in his.

I'm passed being mad. I was shocked when she first said that she did it. I was mad when I found out that she didn't care that I could have gotten hurt. I was sad because I felt as if she never cared about me. I just cried in his arms about it for minutes on end. Now, all I want to do is find my friend and know why she's acting like this. I don't force her to talk about anything, but let's face it, that went out the window when she decided to put my life in her own hands.

"The way that I see it now is that she helped me take a nap. Sure, things could have ended badly if I had a bad reaction to the pills in my coffee, but I'm not the one who just basically lost everything that I own."

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