Chapter 61

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Tim called me this morning to tell me that I have to pack more than one outfit. We are going to spend the day there the next day too. He doesn't want to drive back after midnight because he would fall asleep and the traffic would be hideous. I told him if he wanted me to drive to get home I would. He said and give up a day with you? I don't think so.

I pack the dress the lovely woman at the shop gave me. I can't believe she didn't tell me her name because of a feeling she had. I mean, it is kind of cool that she knows we will see each other again. I don't know whether she knows I can only afford clothing there or she is psychic. With the paychecks I am getting from NCIS, I could afford higher quality things, but I like the way I am, nothing can change that.

I put on my converses because I am wearing them the entire time. I'm glad Abby said they would look good with the dress. I would have worn them anyway, I just would have been more paranoid that they look bad. I have jeans on, for the first time in forever. On top, I have a white sweater under my black jacket. My black jacket has fit me since I was in the seventh grade. That is when I stopped growing. Then, I felt the need to always fit in it, so I did somethings to make sure that I did.

I packed a black sweater for the next day and black jeans that I thought I would never wear again. I tried them on and I was happy that I could fit into them.

When I left Abby yesterday, I made my way to this lingerie shop down the road. It is a family owned business, and they explained everything that they do so the price is worth it. I got a maroon babydoll with lace on a top, and a bow that actually compliments it for $30.00. A black laced teddy, for $20.00, it was on the sales rack. The last thing I bought was a baby pink two piece with lace at the top of each for $20.00. I pack the babydoll and teddy at the bottom because with my luck, I will drop my suitcase, and everything will fly out. I have the tow piece on just in case we get a little hot when we get the apartment. I hope James doesn't have plans to go anywhere because this is his suitcase.

I walk up the stairs and James has a cup of coffee in his hand and is watching the news. I was hoping he would have been asleep in the chair, but we can't always get what we want.

"Where are you going with that suitcase?" His voice pierces my ears.

"To the city." I like our small talks. Sometimes I think they make progress every time he starts to yell at me. When that happens, it turns into a conversation.

"What do you mean the city?"

I sigh. "New York."

"For New Year's Eve? Are you crazy?"

"Aren't you happy as a parent that I am telling you where I am going instead of lying to you. Anything can happen in the city."

He points at me. "That is exactly why I don't want you going."

When I make it to the front door, I do everything in my power to not turn around. "You don't have a say."

"Oh." He is raising his voice. "That is my suitcase you have."

I couldn't stop my body from turning. "Then, why don't you tell me where you were Christmas day?"

He doesn't look at me, let alone answer. "That's what I thought." I face the door again.

"Hey!" Him yelling doesn't make me jump anymore. It just gives me a headache. "I can promise you, I wasn't where you think I was."

"Then, why won't you tell me?"

Silence again.

I see Tim's car pull up and he is making his way out of the car.

"I'll see you when I see you."

What Really Happens: NCISحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن