Chapter One

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The elevator has finally arrived. Once, I step on there is no going back. No turning back, no looking back, and no quitting.

This is what I have always wanted to do. I shouldn't be nervous. I should be confident. I mean, there is a reason they chose me to be the assistant to the NCIS Forensic Scientist. Hopefully, there is more than one reason. There has to be hasn't there? This is great, I am making myself nervous.

Why aren't I there yet? How big could this building possibly be? My eyes dart to the button that hasn't been pushed. That explains it. I push the button and the elevator shifts, as does my stomach.

The elevator door opens and my legs have a mind of their own. They are walking as if they are  attached to a cheetah with-

"Whoa, where's the fire?" A handsome, welcoming face interrupts my thoughts. His smile, no his smirk, it reels me in and reminds me of John Travolta in Grease.

Wow. That's really cheesy but it's true. I could not help but to give into it and smile back.


"The fire?"

"Oh, sorry there is no fire. I'm here to see Agent Gibbs."

"Who's asking?"

"Me." Obviously. "Melissa Peters. Who wants to know?"

"Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo," We reach for each other's hand to shake. Meeting one person to the next is probably what you get when you work in this field. Our hands release one another, but my eyes are still locked with his. His eyes are a beautiful green like mine. "but you can call me Tony." This is off to a good start. I should stop profiling him with my eyes because he might be able to tell.

"Anything I could help you with? A body? Missing body? Body without a head?" Body without a head? James always said to expect the unexpected. He should have thought of that when I told him what I was doing with my life.

"Sorry, it's a slow day here and I've been doing paper work since I got here." He is walking towards the pile of paper on his desk to show me he isn't lying.

"Which was two hours ago."

He looks surprise that I know that. "How did you-"

"I am the new assistant for the Forensic Scientist. I was told to show up here two hours after everyone here is to arrive which is now."

"Oh okay, I knew you were coming around I just didn't know when." Surprise!

"Our schedules always change by the way. We could be needed at the crack of dawn, or when we are in the middle of the date with a woman who is willing to-" He becomes a little embarrassed about babbling on. "never mind." No, no, this can't end here I need to make friends. Not only that but I need to know where I am going.

"I didn't exactly know what to wear since I would be wearing a lab coat, so I just threw this on." I hope I did not make it too obvious I was becoming more nervous. Or worse than that, desperate.

"Believe me, you will fit right in. Gibbs is in a meeting with the director I will take you up to Abby."

What Really Happens: NCISजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें