Chapter 107

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"I was Marilyn Monroe for Halloween already

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"I was Marilyn Monroe for Halloween already. It was a hit; I don't like costume repeating.

Abby and I are searching through The Shop of Thrift to see if we can find anything for Halloween. Our friend, whose name we still don't know, is helping another customer and has been since we walked in.

I didn't tell Abby or anyone about the conversation I had with her last time. It was weird and I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt that she was having a bad day and it wasn't anything I did. I just came here to spend my money and look nice. Also, I like talking to her. We only exchange a few words, but the conversations are usually nice.

Fall is here and the leaves are just starting to change. It's only chilly when the wind blows through the air. Warm drinks are acceptable now since the changing of the seasons. That's never stopped Gibbs or any of us from drinking our hot coffee when it's almost 100 degrees out.

"At least you can pull off being blonde. I look like an idiot." Not a bad idea. "I'll be the town idiot for Halloween. No. The office idiot, has a better ring to it."

Abby throws a shirt at me. "Stop saying that! You're dressing up for Halloween and not as an idiot!"

I laugh and try to find a place for the shirt. I haven't dressed up for Halloween since the day everything stopped for James and I. He doesn't sew or leave the house, so he obviously wasn't the one to go to if I wanted a costume.

Enough about me.

"I thought you said you wanted to go to a costume shop. Why are we here?"

Not that I'm complaining. I see a few items I'd like to purchase myself.

"I'm going on another date tonight with-"


I finish the sentence for her. Those two have been seeing each other for a while now. If she's going out, and it's not with us, it's always Rodrigo.

"When are we going to meet your mystery guy? You guys have been seeing each other for months now, and I've never met him."

"Because." She says into the rack.

"Because why? You've met mine!" I joke with her.

"I've also known yours before you did!"

She's smiling. That's all I wanted her to do. I don't know why she gets so weird when I ask about him. She gets nervous like this is the first time she's ever had a crush on someone. I don't think the word crush is in her vocabulary though.

"Yeah, Abby." Tim walks out of the dressing room with a new maroon shirt on. "You've hardly said anything about him since the summer. When do we get to meet him?"

I help with him this collar.

"I like this one for you. Abby?"

"Looks great." She didn't look up from the rack.

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