Chapter 44

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I wake up to those bland walls that match the sheets that I am under. I move my head and notice I am laying on Tim's chest. He doesn't even snore when he sleeps. He's sleeping like a baby. It makes sense, since we were up late last night. He showed me all the video games that he had, but we only played two of them. He didn't focus on the names as much as he did the goal and the material. I only won each game once. I know the only reason I did is because he let me win. I told him that and he just denied the claim. I told him I don't like the easy way out or liars. His response was throwing one of the pillows at my face. We had our own mini pillow fight. Filling the void of never having one when I was little.

Then, he carried me into the bedroom again. I asked him why he kept picking me up. He said it was because he just wanted to have me close. I could have told him I feel the same way about him, but his lips stopped me from doing so. He slammed me on the bed like he did the first time. This time he decided to stay on top of me. His lips stayed on mine until he put his fingers in me. I lost control of my body because I could only feel him. It was just us in the entire world. When I tried to kiss him again, he put his hand over my mouth because I was moaning too loud. He would whisper sweet things in my ear.

"Sh. Baby girl, I want to be the only one to hear you moan."

"I want to hear those pretty lips say my name."

"You're so beautiful."

When I think about last night, I realize that we are different when we are with each other. I bet that no one, even our friends, his personal friends, and well, I only have the ones we share. They would never guess that we do the things we do and mean the things that we say to each other. That is what makes us special. We get each other, and no one else has to know that. When we share our relationship with someone, besides Abby, and they don't believe us, that doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is that we are with each other and get each other. Nothing and no one else matters.

I carefully lift myself off the bed and head to the bathroom. I look at the bedhead that I have and it is no way I want to look when he wakes up. I attempt to fix the mess when I hear my phone go off. I run to it as fast as I can before it wakes Tim up. I was just in time.

It's from Abby.

"Hey! Last night is kind of a blur. From what I remember I want to apologize :(. Do you want to come over today in case we get something and need to be together?" Let me know when you get a chance. There is also a chance Ziva might come. She feels bad about last night too."

Before I can react to what I read, I feel a kiss on my shoulder leading up to my neck.

"Good morning beautiful."

"Hey handsome." I give him a light kiss and he brings himself to sit on the edge of the bed with me.

"Did you sleep well?"

"Yeah, fine."

I set my phone down. "How did you sleep?"

"Honestly? That was probably the best night sleep I have had in a long time." He places his lips on mine and then heads for the kitchen.

"What do you like to eat for breakfast? We could go out or I can see if I have anything here that you like."

I think about Abby's text and what Tim said last night. He said it has been a rough year for all of them. He didn't elaborate, but I didn't ask. Maybe if I go over there and Ziva is there they will tell me. Abby knows about Tim and I. Ziva basically knows but not really. I have a feeling she is the type that if she doesn't see it, it never happened. Which I am fine with, the less people that know the better. We are both new at this and I don't want to ruin a good thing by broadcasting it to everyone.

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