Chapter 53

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Hanging out with Abby involves hot cocoa, ice cream, popcorn, chips, and The Shining. It is the first time I am watching it and I can't tear my eyes away from the screen. I understand why Abby says it is a thriller and not a scary movie. She says there is a big difference between the two. A scary movie is one that makes you scream and jump out of your seat. While a thriller is one that leaves you suspenseful, dark, and makes you wait for the climax. They are similar in the way that they both make you think. I am not a fan of scary movies, but I guess I am into thrillers because I love this.

Abby comes back in the room with more marshmallows. "Wow, Peters, are you regretting that you have never seen this movie before?"

"100%. Everyone makes it out to be scary, but it really isn't. It makes you want the violence and danger to start already."

She laughs and adds the marshmallows in my drink.

"I am so jealous of people like that."

"Like who?"

"Like Danny." I set everything down to get my point across. "I mean you see people like this in movies with the whole "I can see the future." "I was dead for five minutes." Or. "I see dead people." Now, here you have Danny who is able to have visions and hear people from a very far distance. Being able to have that must be amazing."

"But it shows him fainting, having a stroke, and it takes over him."

"That totally sucks but what I do feel bad for are the people that are open about it and no one believes them."

"Hopefully, people like them come forward and talk about it with them and they become friends."

"Imagine being scared though. You might know there are other people like you that have come forward with it, but you are not comfortable with it yourself, so you hide by yourself."

"Still feel jealous of those people?"

"Yeah, no, I want to say yes and that I would come forward with what I have, but at the end of the day we never know what we would do in a situation until we are in it."

"I didn't expect to learn so much about you from watching The Shining."

We sit in silence until we see Jacks body freeze from being out in the snow storm. It does make you wonder how he did, and Danny didn't. Danny was out there longer than Jack was. He was also on the snow, he was sitting on it to hide from his dad. Wouldn't that have affected him more since he is so tiny? I don't bother Abby with this because a movie is a movie and you can't change it. I'm glad that the mom and Danny didn't die. It was a bittersweet death.

"I heard you visit your brother for Christmas."

"Yup, hopefully you get to meet him soon. He really wants to meet you."

It's nice to know that Abby has talked about me to her brother. That must mean I am doing a good job at work and at being her friend. She tells me that she is adopted, and her parents were deaf. They passed a while ago, so the holidays are important. When she signs to me her name and mine, I sign back to her saying I know how to sign, it is amazing that you know too.

I told her that I took ASl 1 and ASl 2 when I started out at community college. It is the truth, I was finally going to take ASL 3. I remember they just added it to the school and I was excited to take it. The excitement is as far as I got with it. I just didn't tell her that part. I don't like to go over what could have been, just what was.

"So, how are you and Tim?"

"We are good. We had our first fight a few days ago."

"Oh, no shit? Do tell."

"He was being very passive aggressive about the Sour case and I asked him to explain to me why he was acting that way because I knew it couldn't be the case. He told me I was acting weird and distant and he started going off on this whole thing. Basically, the both of us were not listening to each other. I heard him, and he heard me, but we weren't listening to each other."

I'm glad I can talk to Abby about this. Sometimes, I just want to vent to someone without the person being the one I am venting about. I don't tell her that Tim has been worried about Tony and me because that is no one's business and I plan to keep it that way. Tim and Tony have been working together forever. They know each other better than I know them. It is just a feeling I have that I know Tony isn't interested in me. Tim is just nervous because of the past and that I understand. I don't have a choice but to understand. I wasn't there when it happened, so I do not get a say.

"How did you guys fix it?"

I pick up the bowl of popcorn and put it on my lap. "I apologized for not hearing him out. I explained to him why I was acting a certain way. Then, he did the same thing."

She taps my legs. "Good for you Peters. You know girls think they are always right, and it is so annoying. It bothers me because to us girls that are always right, myself and you, are taken for granted and known as insane."

We cheer to that and sip the hot cocoa.

I place the popcorn back on the table and can feel Abby staring at me.

"Can I ask why you were so distant?"

"Rule #12."

"Ah." She tilts her head back and gets more comfortable on the couch. "Now, that is something to keep you distracted."

"Abby, Tim and I have these moments somehow, even when we are at work, he somehow manages to make them happen and have no one see us or hear us. I am just so nervous that we are going to get caught."

She sighs. "I wish I could fix that for you."

"It's just I know what I would be willing to do in case we ever do get caught. It doesn't mean I like to constantly worry about it."

"You know Gibbs doesn't do this to be cruel."

"I don't think poorly of him for it. There is a method to everyone's madness."

She comes over to my side of the couch and starts to cuddle me. I get the blanket and turn off the tv.

"Do you think it is going to be a problem in the future?"

"I want to say no, because I told him about my worries. I rather have him in secret than not have him at all. Besides, like I said, we never know what we would really do in a situation until we are in it."

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