Chapter 90

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I woke up earlier than usual to a text from Gibbs. Well, he didn't text it himself. The message was delivered from Tim.

"Gibbs says that you and Ziva stay home today. He doesn't want to see either of you here until he says. P.S. I miss you and love you."

I had to take a double take on the last part. It was early in the morning, how was I supposed to comprehend that the last part was from my boyfriend?

I texted him back with the light of my phone blinding my eyes. "I'm on it. I love and miss you."

I lifted my head up to make sure Ziva was still fast asleep. She was but in a different position than I left her in. I guess she woke up sometime during the night and remembered she wasn't at her apartment. I did that at Tim's a few times. Or when I had friends and they invited me to sleepovers. It's like something wakes you up to remind you that you aren't in your home so keep your guard up. In my town, it was normal for a child to think that. Yes, I was so tired when in remembering all of that I called it my town. Ugh.

The second time I wake up it's 11:35am. I lift myself out of bed and notice that Ziva isn't there. All I can think is shit. I change my shirt because it's the only thing I can change before Ziva shows up to work. That is if she hasn't already. When I get up the stairs, the sound of pans being placed on the stove stops me from running out the door. It's Ziva.

"Good morning Melissa. How did you sleep? You really didn't have to sleep on the floor." I see her trying to figure out how to turn the stove on. "Maybe we can take turns and switch beds every other night."

I don't respond right away because I'm busy thanking whoever's watching over me that she didn't go to work. "I slept fine. It was a fun experience. I rather keep it for awhile. I don't care where I sleep."

I have to ask. "You aren't at work?"

"Tony texted me saying that Gibbs wants us to stay home today. Didn't he tell you?"

I shake my head. "Yeah, Tim did. I just didn't know whether you got the message or not." Thank goodness she did.

I step in her place in front of the stove and turn it on. "Ziva, you're our guest I should be making you breakfast."

"Fine. At least let me make the coffee."

I turn and see her turning on a Keurig that I've never seen before.

She see's the confusion on my face. "I brought it from my apartment. It was tucked away in the closet I kept locked. I never had use for it since I always stopped at the cart that's at work. I thought I would take it with me wherever I ended up."

That's when it really hits me. This isn't a vacation, playdate, or long sleepover. She's here because her life was intruded by low lives that have nothing better to do than destroy her life and take the lives of others. I don't know how to act around her. I feel sorry but I don't think she wants me to show it. She certainly doesn't want to show it since she was about to make me and my father breakfast.

She gets the coffee going and asks where the bathroom is. I show her and go to the fridge to see what we have. Eggs and toast, that seems decent enough to make her think we have a normal household.

I hear James door open and the sound of his cane hit the ground repeatedly. Does he always get up this late? I remember him getting up early for his job and kept doing it out of habit when he stopped going. Like I said, I don't know what his occupation was, but I think I'm aware of what made him lose or leave the job. With him, it can be either or.

"What are you still doing here?" He's coming my way. I can hear it.

I crack two eggs on the side of a pan. "Ziva and I don't have to go into work today under the circumstances."

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