Chapter 98

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It may seem like we are getting no where with this. I promise you there is more to come. Excited for you guys to see it!

I shower and change when we get to Tim's apartment. I didn't want to be alone in the bath room, but I wanted to be alone in the shower. He sat on the toilet and talked to me while I was in there. It was a one-sided conversation for the most part. He understood.

He gave me pajamas to wear; this time giving me pants. I was still shaking after having a burning hot shower. I couldn't see him through the steam when I stepped out. I told him the water warmed me up a bit.

As I lay under the covers waiting for him to come back. I think about calling someone at NCIS to talk to Sean. I only saw him and Adam for a few minutes when they got back from the hospital.

Adam looked happy for someone who was shot in the foot. He came in on his crutches and was happy to see that I was okay. I hugged them both, wanting to feel them warmth and to let them know that I'm glad they're safe.

I told them all I had was a minor concussion.

On the way here, Tim cranked the heat up. I put my body into a ball and face the window. The heat helped my legs, but that was it.

"So, Sean." He says. I don't turn to face him. I just want to stare out the window.

"He would do anything for you wouldn't he?"

"I guess."

I know he would. I would for him too. I just don't want to talk about today. I know that's what he was getting at and I already told him I didn't want to discuss it.

"Then, I guess he's alright."

Feeling the bed move removes me from my memories. He's here and brought more blankets. I want to move to him to get double the warmth, but I don't.

I feel an arm wrap around my body. I don't know why, but this is the first time is touch has brought tears to my eyes. It's not the memories, it's him now. I'm blinking intensely to make them go away.

"I'm sorry."

Hearing those words makes me turn around in a second. His arm unwraps me quick the moment I start to move.

Before I can speak, I look into his eyes. It makes me remember something that I haven't thought about all day.

"I don't want to hear that." I'm not looking at him anymore or the tears will escape. "No one knew what was going to happen today. I don't want to hear that."

He nods. We don't kiss. We don't say goodnight. He brings me into his arms and holds me for the rest of the night.

Everyone is at work the next day. I'm with Abby. Abby found a gun on the scene and is checking for prints and trying to figure out who the seller is.

I told her if she needs me, I will be in her office. She let me go on her computer and do some more research on Juice. I see a lot of news articles about some members getting arrested.

I look to see if any of them got out and where they live currently. I can't find anything.

"Was it scary?" I look up and Abby is staring at me.

"It was shocking." I try to think of what to search next, but I think I hit a dead end.

"What does shocking mean?"

"It shocked the hell out of me." I wasn't scared until after that. But I don't want to talk about it.

I hear the chains on her boots clink together as she walks over to me. She hands me a tiny remote.

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