Chapter 93

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Ziva was awake before me this morning. I woke up to the sound of her attempting to get a sweatshirt over her face. That was all I had to see for me to build up the energy to go over and help her. She freaked out at first because she didn't hear me walk over to her. Once she saw it was me, she smiled and said thank you.

I look at the time and see that it's ten in the morning. That's better than waking up a half hour before noon. This way it feels like we have the rest of the day to do whatever we want. I just don't know what that is.

"Did you decided what we are going to do today?"

I look around to find something black to wear. She's wearing all black like we're undercover. Which we are, I just can't believe I'm going through with this plan that I was so happy to think of. I really have to think before I start talking. Now that we are going through with it, I feel nervous that we are going to get caught.

"I was thinking we just drive around and stop at whatever catches our eye."

I pull a baggy sweatshirt over my head. This way I didn't get stuck the way she did. I check my phone to see if I got anything from anyone. Nothing.

"Did anyone reach out to you this morning?"

She reaches for her phone and checks it. She shakes her head. "Nope. You?"

"Neither did I." That should make me feel better at this whole running away for a day plan, but it makes me more anxious.

I think that they know what we're doing. They're just waiting for us to do it and catch us. Or they're on their way here to see if we are okay and we will bump into them while we are leaving the house.

With the way my brain is going I decided to text Tim. He will calm me down, if he says that he isn't on the way here with Gibbs or anything.

"Hey. How is everyone doing today?"

I put my phone in my pocket and decided before we go, I should go to the bathroom before since we aren't going to make any stops in this town.

I tell her that we are going to take James' car because it's safer. Also, Ziva lives in a safe neighborhood. The plan is to pick up her car but park James' car somewhere nearby. We just want to make sure Juice isn't secretly going to be watching her apartment and then trash his car. According to Adam's brother, they stay in town besides Whisk. We should be fine. It's what I have to tell myself to go through with this.

As I look myself in the mirror to make sure I can go through with this, my phone starts to ring.

It's Tony. "Hello?"

Not that I'm not happy to hear from him. I was just hoping it was Tim.

"Hey Peters. How's everything going?" I'm wondering the same thing, just not about us.

"Everything is good. We are better now."

"Really? That fast?"

Not completely. "I mean I forgive her."

"But you don't trust her." Bingo.

"I'm not worried about it. I know she will show me one way or another that I can."

His end goes silent. I wait a few seconds before I say anything. "Tony?"

"Yeah, I'm here." He clears his throat. "Peters..."

I patiently wait again until I realize I'm the one that has to respond this time. "I'm here."

"I'm not saying what she did was okay. I'm just saying I know her, and I know that she must feel horrible for what she did to you."

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