Chapter Twelve

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"Shit," Dylan whispers hardly running his hand through his hair reminding me a little of Noah. He goes over to the stairwell glancing down, his face pales.
"Go!" he mouthes and points to the room. Seeing him panic just makes me panic, he was the one who knew what to do.
We crept into the room, Dylan lead me over to hide behind one of the desks.
"Stay here," he whispers looking back worriedly.
"Where are you going?" I did not want him to leave me.
"It's okay, I'll just be over there," he points to behind the door. "I have a plan..."
Without waiting for my answer, he quickly but quietly moves over to hide behind the door. Damn it, I thought as I curled up into a ball. Sweat trickled down my face as I waited to either be caught or be captured. The voices were coming closer, I held onto myself tighter fighting back the shiver.
There is no way in hell that I was going back to Arcane...
"Go back," I heard a familiar voice say. It was not who I think it was.

Someone entered the room, I tried my hardest to not make a sound which was hard since my heart was beating so fast and hard that someone would have had to hear it. The footsteps were coming closer, I squeeze my eyes shut tightly.

"Subject A7," I knew that deep voice.
I looked up to see Damon aiming his gun at me. A wave of fear washed all over me, Damon and Jaxon were brothers and when at Arcane and he was just as bad. The taller and buffer version of Jaxon. Makes sense that Damon would come after us especially after Dylan shooting his brother in the leg. Bet he can't wait to dish out his revenge.
"Did not get very far, did you?"
I did not respond, I just glared at him.

"Get up," he shouts.
I obliged getting to my feet, I could not take my eyes off the gun. "Jaxon will be very pleased to see you again."
"I won't go back," I tried to sound brave but my voice cracked a little.
"You'll go back whether it's alive or dead,' Damon says clicking the gun to prove his point.
"I think you're bluffing," I say without thinking. "You need me since you have no idea if my blood works or not."
Damon moves his aim to the left shooting, I cowered away from the noise.
"Think I'm bluffing?" he cracks his neck. "Don't test me lab rat."
I squared my shoulders just as Dylan comes crashing into Damon, I jumped out of their way covering my mouth from making any noise. I have no idea what was going through Dylan's mind, Damon was obviously taller and bigger than him. If anyone could challenge Damon, it either be Vincent or Branson... those two look like they can really handle themselves.

The two wrestled on the ground, Damon dropped his gun landing by my feet. I made a grab for it as they got to their feet, Damon being quicker punches Dylan in the face. Dylan stumbles back and lunges back at Damon. Damon dodges making a grab for Dylan and spins him and now Damon holding Dylan in a choke hold and that was I felt myself raise my arm and aimed the gun at Damon.
I knew my eyes were glowing because they stared wide-eyed at me.

It was all seriousness until Damon laughs. What a fucking insult!

"You wouldn't shoot me," Damon says laughing.
I copied his exact movements of moving to the left of him and shooting the ground, both Dylan and Damon flinch, his hold on Dylan lessons. I clicked the gun again.
"Unlike you, I don't give a shit if I shoot you or not. You need me alive whereas I could care less about you."
Damon's grin falters.
"Now, let him go!"
When Damon did not do that right away, I shot to the right of him.
"I fucking said let him go," I snarled. "And if you don't, I won't miss. That's a fucking promise."
Damon growls at me and throws Dylan to my feet, I did not dare break eye contact with Damon.
"Now, call off the guards or I'll shoot you between the eyes."
Damon glares and pulls out his walkie-talkie.
"Stand down," he says. "Do not shoot at targets."
Dylan walks over to him and grabs him now holding his gun at Damon's head.
"You're fucking coming with us to make sure that they don't shoot."
Damon did not say anything, he looked pissed off. Probably at the fact that two teenagers were getting the better of him. Dylan pushes Damon forward, I was gripping the gun so tightly that I had to loosen my grip and shake my head.
We walked down the flight of stairs when they groaned under our weight I tried to not look concerned until we reached the end of them when I finally was able to breathe again.
We were met with about ten guards surrounding the building, they were aiming their guns at us.
"Tell them to stand down," Dylan growls.
When Damon did not answer, I looked at them nervously.
"I will fucking shoot you, I will end your fucking life right now. I could care less about what happens after."
Damon laughs. "You won't do that, the subject literally said she won't go back," he laughs again.
We were caught, this was not how it was supposed to be. Not after all that shit that has happened. I did something that I did not expect, it felt like I had no control over myself as I raised the gun to my head.
"You tell them to stand down or I will shoot myself."
Damon looks at me. "You won't," he says but I could hear the panic in his voice, no matter how slight it was.
"You are right, I won't go back. But if you don't stand down and allow us to leave, I will shoot myself. And you know what else? What happens if I was the cure? You would not be able to survive for very long without me? Is that a chance you are willing to take?"
Damon had a murderous look in his eyes.
"I know Jaxon will be pissed," I smile.
"Stand down," Damon shouts.

The guard stood down by lowering their guns.
"Fantastic," Dylan leans forward. "Where is the closest car?"
Damon nods over near the tree line. Dylan drags Damon with us as we move over towards the car, I followed keeping the gun at my head with every move.
"Any wrong moves and we shoot," I say as clearly as possible.
I did not specify what we would shoot but it was obvious, we were not mucking around.
Dylan peered inside the car and grinned.
"Left the keys in the ignition, shouldn't have," he orders me to hop into the car, I did as he asked.
"Start the car," Dylan shouts. I nodded turning the ignition, surprised that I knew how to do that. The car came to life, I let out a laugh.
Dylan shoves Damon aside, climbs into the car. He quickly puts it into drive and speeds off. Gunshots came some shot through the glass. I screamed covering my face.
"It's okay," he says. "We're gone!"
I glance back, about four bullet holes were through the glass. The guards and Damon were looking like ants as we sped off, I sat back in the comfortable chair letting out a sigh of relief.
"Damn, that was something I'll never forget," I looked at Dylan laughing.
I noticed that a bruise was now forming on the side of his face. I reached up to gently touch it, he winced.
"Are you okay? I asked him.
"I've been punched before," Dylan replies coldly. I removed my hand from his face not wanting to upset him.
"Do you want me to drive so you can rest?" I ask him, he snorts at my suggestion.
"First of all, you wouldn't know how to drive and second of all, I just have a massive headache from being punched so maybe its best if we just enjoy the free ride."
I nodded not wanting his headache to get any worse.
After what felt like hours, Dylan finally comes to a stop and gets out.
"What's happening?" I ask him. "Are we there?"
Again, Dylan snorts.
"Arcane vehicles have a tracking device in them, we need to ditch the car." 

"They have been tracking us?" I shout while Dylan just looks amused. "This isn't funny!"
"Yes, it is," he says chuckling. "Watch and learn Avery."

He keeps the car running and looks around until he spots a brick. "This is perfect," he says looking like a child opening up a present on their birthday. I couldn't help but smile at his silliness.

"They'll track this car and it'll lead them in the wrong direction," Dylan says putting the car into drive and quickly dumping the brick onto the pedal. He leaps away as the car speeds off away from us. "By the time they realise that we aren't even there, we'll be almost at the campsite of our group."

"You really need to teach me your tricks," I tell him with a smile.

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