Chapter Eight

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I woke up feeling like I was about to throw up. I looked around, my heart pounded hard against my chest when I realised that I was not in the experiment room anymore, I was in the punishment room. Claw marks were all over the walls from when they released an infected, I started to tremble. I tried to pull my arms but found that I was bound to the chair. No!
"What?" I looked up to see Jaxon sitting in the chair staring at me with a hunger look in his eyes. "Jaxon? What's the meaning of this?"
Jaxon stood up walking over to me.
"You've been a very naughty girl Avery," he says softly.

Without warning, he plunges a syringe into my arm, I cried out in pain.
"Now we wait for the drugs to kick in," Jaxon smiles coming a little closer to my face. I fought against the restraints. "You were not in your room last night Avery, I came to give you a special visit so where were you?"
Bile rose up in my throat at his words, I wanted to punch the smug look off his face.
"Where were you Avery?" he was getting angry.
I blinked slowly, my eyelids were getting heavier and the room began to swirl from around me. My body became heavy and numb.
Jaxon slapped my face. "Don't leave me hanging Avery as I am not a patient man, answer my question and I'll let you go."
I did not believe it but I was scared of what will happen.
"I was ... somewhere" I managed to say. "I was walking."
"You were walking?" Jaxon laughs. "You are quite the liar Avery, not a very good one."
"I'm ... I am... telling ... the truth," it was getting hard to speak. I needed to lie my way through this.

Jaxon made a 'tsk' sound. "What did Noah say to you?"
"Noah?" I forced myself to look up. "Where is he?"
It hurt but for some weird reason, I did not care. I just wanted to sleep.
"What did Noah say to you?"
"Not... saying" I managed to say.
"Now, now Avery, please don't make this any worse than it already is. Noah will be punished for his actions but you need to tell me what he is planning."
I tried to say something but it came out a mumbling.
"What was that Avery?" Jaxon asks leaning forward to hear me better.
"I said ... fuck you" I managed to say louder.
Jaxon leans back looking very pissed off, he shakes his head.
"I really did like you Avery, you are a very pretty girl but I am sorry to say that this is your punishment" he pulls out a needle. "Doctor Cleo requests some of your blood, hope you don't mind." He sticks the needle in the exact same place where he just injected me. I cried out in pain.
"I do love the sounds of your pain, brings me... joy," he says smiling.
He extracted the needle from me grabbing a fistful of my hair forcing me to look up.
"Such a pretty thing you are," he whispers before shoving me back. He walks over towards the door. "I hope by the time I returned, you have taken this time to think about a lot of things. Maybe I might forgive you and give you a reward for your honesty."
I stared at him. "Rot in hell," I managed to say before sinking back against the chair.

Jaxon chuckles. "I do like a fighter. Now I cannot wait for our little visit."
He presses the red button by the door, the wall in front of me began to open. My heart was racing against my chest from the fear. Jaxon laughed leaving the room, a scream came from the darkness and out came an infected. It sniffed the air focusing its eyes on me. He headed straight for reaching out, it screamed but was pulled back suddenly, a chain was kept around its neck. They did this to scare those who dared to disobey.
I tried to scream but no sound came out, I felt so weak. Whatever he did to me, I couldn't move and was left to face this thing. I wanted to sleep but if I slept, I was scared that they would leave this thing to eat me alive.
Never would I have thought a few days ago that they would do something like this, no one was to be trusted, I felt like I've been betrayed. The doctors allowing Jaxon to get away with tortuous things, the pain people have gone through... I now realise how foolish I have been, Dylan and the others were looking more right about what they were saying with every passing second.
The infected person was still screaming and reaching for me. I could not keep my eyes open any longer, maybe dying seemed like a better option. I closed my eyes still hearing the infected screaming.

Noah's POV
Noah knew they had taken Avery, he just knew it.
He did not dare scream her name when they got her, he was afraid of them hurting her, after going to her room and being caught, they must think she knows something. He was not in his right mind at the time and tried to explain it to her as best as he could but ended up confusing her more and more.
After being with Jaxon in the punishment room, Noah came back to his room with a black eye.
He paced back and forth in his room, he could not leave, they were guarding him. He was tempted to go through the air vent but stopped himself.
"Where are you Dylan?" he growls.
The plan was simple, he'd come back for Noah once they've released him back into his room, they'd grab Avery and they'd leave with Vincent's help. Tegan and Bronson would save as many other children - and Conner, as they can whereas Nick and Hunter would get ahold of Gemma and Travis who apparently were helping us. Gemma and Travis worked very closely with Linda so of course there was some hesitation with Noah but if they trusted them, Noah had no choice but the trust them.
Noah grinned getting down on his hands and knees looking under his bed.
"Let's go, the plan is now in action," he says. Noah wasted no time in following Dylan's lead through the air vents again.
When Noah first met Dylan, he could not believe that his suspicions have been answered, for a while now Noah knew something was up since the disappearance of his friend Conner and once Dylan showed him the truth, Noah wanted nothing but revenge.

Dylan leads the way, Noah noticed that Avery was not with them, did she decide to go with another group?
Dylan opened up one of the shafts and dropped down, Noah took a deep breath and jumped as well unlike Dylan who seemed to have done this multiple times, Noah stumbled back a little.
Dylan walked over to the cabinets and opened it revealing a shit ton of weapons.
"Where are we?"
"Weapons room. Surprised?"
"Shouldn't be" Noah looks at the weapons.
Dylan grabs one and gives on to Noah, Noah takes it and looked at it in all different angles.
"Ever used that before?" Dylan asks motioning to the gun. He was grabbing two other similar guns and put them in his pockets.
"No," Noah says.
Dylan pauses as if he was realising what he was doing. "Oh shit, right, umm... give that to me," Noah happily obliged giving Dylan the gun.
"Right, we're getting Avery and get the fuck out of here."
"Wait, huh?" Noah stares at Dylan who was still focusing on the weapons. "I thought she was with the others!"
"No, they've taken her in to be tested. We don't have much time left so we better move."
Instead of using the vents, they used the elevators. Dylan aims the gun ready to shoot anyone who was in the elevator but luckily it was empty. They stepped in, Noah pressed Level Six and they waited awkwardly.

Noah rushed out without thinking, Dylan calls him back but Noah ignored him and ran into the room. Doctor Linda looks up surprised at his sudden entrance.
"She's not here," Noah says looking back at Dylan who was aiming his gun at the doctor.
Linda raised her arms up in surrender.
"You will release all those children you've taken, now" Dylan shouts, Linda simply nods and presses the red button. That was easy.
"Anything else?" she asks quite calmly.
"Where is Avery?"
Linda laughs, Dylan clicks the gun, Linda stops laughing.
"Why is she an interest?" she asks.
"Where is she?" Dylan was ready to shoot. "I will not ask again."

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