Chapter Twenty-Six

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Tegan's POV
So checking the ruins was a bust and there really were no guards to shoot, Tegan even brought extra weapons just for this reason.
"You okay?" Bronson asks her.
"No," she replies. "I'm pissed."
"Because we didn't take down any Arcane guards?" he asks stupidly. As if it was not obvious.
"No, because it's a little humid out here... yes, it is because we didn't take any down," she yells. She quickly tries to tone her voice down, it was not Bronson's fault.
"Sorry, I should not be shouting like a lunatic... especially being out this late at night, but ever since they took my sister from me, I wanted nothing more than to kill the lot of them."
"I know," Bronson says. "But we'll have plenty more chances of that happening."
Tegan sighs.
It was nighttime, they should not be traveling at night as infected could easily be roaming beside them without them ever realizing but they were so close to the town that it was pointless to camp now, but they both agreed that they'd risk it and continue on as they were hungry and tired.
"Do you think Nick and Hunter found them?" Bronson asks.
"Honestly, I hope so" Tegan replies. She thought about Dylan, getting a clear image of his face. She genuinely liked Dylan, out of all the guys she went with, Dylan was the one she liked the best. So she hoped that he was alive and safe in the town.
"I know that they are alive," Tegan says, "hopefully Brandon has information on them or at least keeping them there... who knows."
"Bronson!" Vincent's voice came over the walkie talkie.
"Bronson here," Bronson answers clicking the button on the walkie talkie to speak.
Vincent was pissed that Tegan and Bronson had separated from Nick and Hunter but Tegan could not handle their lovey dove romance shit, it just made her sick. So those two went to check the town where Brandon and his men were while they searched the ruins but luckily Brandon was able to communicate with Vincent so him being pissed did not last very long.
"Arcane is shooting up the town!" Vincent says. "We're on our way! What is your status?"
Bronson looks at Tegan worriedly. "Not far now, what would you have us do?"
"Get your asses here and save the people, shoot as many Arcane guards as you can!"
Tegan smiles. "With pleasure."
"Will do, over and out."
They two exchanged a look before running towards the town as fast as they could, it was engulfed in flames when they entered, guards were still searching for anyone hiding, they had to be cautious and careful. They hid behind a building peeking out.
"All right, they just finished checking this building, we can use the windows to aim," Bronson says as he leads them to a building that the Arcane guards already checked. They quickly and quietly ran up the stairs, they went into different rooms to see which one had a better view of the sight.
Tegan got to the window and aimed her gun.
Tegan left her room and went to Bronson's.
"This is perfect, we could hear them as well," Tegan says getting herself into position.
They both watched as the Helicopter landed and the doors opened revealing someone walking out with a smirk on his face.
"That looks like Damon," Tegan says remembering that he was an asshole.
"What do we have?" Damon asks an Arcane guard in a loud clear voice.
"We're checking them now sir," the Arcane guard responds.
Tegan looks around, the Arcane guards were checking the people to see who were immunes and who were not.
"Right there," she sees Dylan and the others and pointed them out to Bronson.
"I see them too," he pulls out his walkie talkie.
"Vincent, we have eyes on Dylan, Nick, Hunter, and Avery," he says.
"Great, we're almost there," Vincent says back, Tegan could hear the relief in the man's voice.
"Vincent, I'm going to go against your orders and not shoot until you are here, not until they either start firing on the people or waving guns around," Bronson says. Tegan shoots Bronson a look. She was aiming the gun at Damon's head, she kept her position looking around.
One guard grabs Nick by the hair.
"Don't fucking touch him," Hunter says going to stand.
"Idiot," Tegan mutters at Hunter's stupid move.
The Arcane guard released Nick punching Hunter, Hunter fell back onto a dark-haired kid. The guard grabs Nick again and checked him.
Nick was not immune, the guard goes to Hunter who was not kneeling again rubbing his jaw. The guard roughly grabs his hair forcing him to look up.
Hunter was immune, Nick was smart enough to not say anything, the guy just glared. The guard stayed a little longer with Hunter probably saying something to him, probably a death threat.
The dark haired kid was next, the guard roughly grabs Colin's hair and does the same thing.
Tegan was not too sure if the kid was immune or not but he was with the group so he was another one they'd probably have to save. She sighed at that fact.

The guard goes to Avery grabs a fistful of her hair forcing her to look up. She was immune but when the guard paused, Tegan knew something was wrong.
The guard releases her.
"Subject A7 ... Damon!"
Tegan narrowed her eyes. What was so special about her?
"That's not good," Bronson mutters beside her.
"When do we fire?" she asks him.
"Not until Vincent gets here," Bronson says. "If they start firing away, we ignore the orders and shoot."
"Good," Tegan replies looking back to see Damon throwing Avery like a ragged doll.
Damon turns facing Dylan, he must've said something, oh that idiot. "Oh, and you..." without another word he punches Dylan in the face a couple of times. "I really should kill you."
Tegan was readying herself to shoot.
"Do it," he dares him.
"Dylan," Tegan's jaw clenched. Please don't get yourself killed over some girl.
Damon straightens up. "No can do, promised Jaxon he'd have you all to himself" and then turns to Avery. "And man, don't I wanna kill you."
Avery slowly got to her feet. "And why is that?"
Damon tilts his head to the side observing her. "No one gets away with making me look like an idiot."
"But I am immune, you can't kill me."
Damn, Tegan did not like her but she did have some balls standing up to an asshole such as Damon.
Avery moved her head slightly looking at Dylan, Tegan felt something in her stomach clench. A smile slowly spreads across Damon's face when he noticed that look between the two.
"Oh..." he looks between Dylan and Avery. "This is interesting."
"Tegan?" Bronson looks at her.
"Who cares," Tegan says trying to sound tough but felt the opposite. "We have a job to do." Damon grabs Avery and puts the gun at her head.
Bronson aimed his gun, his finger on the trigger.
"He isn't going to kill her," Tegan says. "God, I wish you men would stop worrying about her, she is immune, they won't hurt her."

"Whether they're immune or not Tegan, those experiments kill them so either way if Damon does not kill her now, they will eventually."
Tegan was tempted to roll her eyes but she just kept her focus on the scene before them. She needed to ignore what that asshole said and focus.
"Tegan, do not let your emotions cloud your judgment," Bronson says.
"That's not what's happening," Tegan growls. "Just drop it, Bronson."
"You never liked Avery that much, that I know. But you can't do shit all if Dylan feels something towards her... you and I will talk about this later."
Tegan shoots him a glare. "Seriously? How about now Bronson? Please give me a reason to shoot you."
Bronson rolls his eyes. "You wouldn't shoot me now said so yourself, we have a job to do. Now stop fucking around and get yourself ready to shoot."
Tegan was about to defend herself when Avery screamed.
"NO!" she was fighting against the Arcane guard. He struggled against her, Tegan smirked, for someone so tiny she was strong. The guard had to lift her up and even then she still thrashed around screaming and shouting threats.
Tegan pressed down on the trigger aiming at the guard.
The two fell, Avery pushed the guard off her looking both relieved and shocked. She looked up.
"She owes me," Tegan mutters.
Bronson and Tegan started firing at the Arcane guards, people got up and were screaming and running in different directions.
"We're here" Vincent's voice comes from the walkie talkie.
"About fucking time," Tegan shouts.
Tegan could not keep the smile off her face as she was shooting Arcane guards, it was frustrating as fuck to avoid hitting those who were not involved. For some reason, she kept an extra eye on the dark-haired kid who suddenly grabbed Dylan's gun and shot Damon in the shoulder.
"Damn..." she was really impressed.
"Okay, ready to go in?" Bronson asks her.
Tegan scanned the area, no Arcane guards were in sight but no doubt more will come.
"It's clear," she reports. "Let's get them and get the fuck out of here."

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