Chapter Thirty

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Nick's POV

Majority of the building came crashing down, Nick shielded his face from the dirt and other shit that came with it, Hunter came down and used his body to shield Nick. When it was over, Hunter helped Nick to his feet.
"Fuck," Nick makes a face, fuck his ankle was hurting. "Hunter, I think it's broken."

"We'll get Evelyn to check it out when we get back," Hunter says. "You'll be okay."
Nick smiles at him.
Hunter helped him hobble over to the rest of the group.

Nick could not stop staring at the building, would they have survived that?

"Reckon they survived that?" Bronson asks.
Nick notices that Dylan did not answer right away, the guy looked torn and hopeful all in one.
"Unless they get attacked by the infected," Hunter answers.
"Dude," Bronson gives Hunter a look.
"Not the right time," Nick whispers in Hunter's ear.
Dylan was taking deep breaths, which is what he'd usually do if he needed to clear his head to come up with a plan.
"What do we do now?" Nick asks the others not wanting to bother Dylan.
"Simple, we go home," Tegan says.
"Tegan!" That was Bronson.
"What? There's infected, we are not going," she says. "Tough luck."
"And what if that was you?" Nick asks her shooting her a dirty look. "Would you want us to come to get you?"
"For fuck's sake, I'm over this bullshit," Tegan rolls her eyes. "All this for one stupid person, if you were trapped surrounded by infected, I would not be coming to your aid. I don't expect any of you do to the same. Why? It's about surviving."
"And you wouldn't want us to save you?" Nick shakes his head laughing, he could not believe what he was hearing.
"No, because I wouldn't be stupid enough to be trapped. I am not going to the tunnels to see if either of them are alive. Personally, I do not care and it's not like Vincent and his family haven't suffered enough. They barely had her back so it'll be easier this time like just move on already." Tegan starts to walk away. "I just want to go home."
"Fucking serious Tegan?" Nick shouts at her, she flipped him off and she continued to walk away.
"Right," Dylan spoke now, he sounded hoarse in the voice, "we'll head to the end of the tunnels if they survived we will be there for them... if not," he did not finish that sentence.
"They'll be fine," Nick said, he needed to be the optimist one within the group.
"Let's go," Hunter says.
Nick tried his best to help Hunter out, he was heavy and Hunter even though he was strong, he had not had the time to rest and was struggling.
"Hunter," Nick began but did not know how to finish that sentence. He could not say 'leave me' because Hunter would never and Nick couldn't walk on his own.
"Need some help?"
Bronson pulled Nick off of Hunter and threw Nick over his shoulder much to both Nick's pain and embarrassment.
"Vincent," Bronson calls over the walkie talkie. "We're coming to you."
"Have you retrieve her?" Vincent asks.
Bronson hesitates. "No sir, we are going there now to find her. We will meet you at the campsite."
"Okay, my group will take any survivors back to the campsite. We'll leave you a car so you can get to them faster. I want you to send me any updates you have."
"Make that two if you can Vincent, over and out."
Bronson waited for a couple of seconds for a reply. "Will do, over and out" Vincent replies and Bronson puts the walkie talkie away.
"Right, looks like we've got a ride."
"What's the second car for?" Hunter asks.
"Well, Tegan is not going to bother so she can drive Nicky here back to the campsite so Evelyn can check his ankle out, poor baby," Bronson laughs as he whacks Nick on the ass.

Hunter glares, Nick didn't bother to hide his smile. His boyfriend was jealous.
"It's okay Hunter," Nick says.
"Shut up Nick," Hunter mutters.

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