Chapter Thirteen

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As we walked in the opposite direction of the car, the sun began to set so we made our way to find a place to rest for the night. When we were walking, we did have to duck for cover due to the helicopter flying over us, the name 'Arcane' was printed on the side of it proving that Dylan was correct. I could not resist but flip off the helicopter as it flew past, Dylan tried to suppress his laughter but failed.

We found a spot, it was old and open except it felt like a cave.
Dylan scanned out the area checking for any Arcane guards, randoms or any infected before we finally managed to settle down, he went to retrieve some firewood and got a fire going under a ruin, it felt like a cave as the back was caved in and when you look outside, it was easy to see the stars. I couldn't look away, it was a really beautiful site. I made sure to sit close to the fire holding my hands out to feel the warmth. I shivered.
"You cold?" he asks.
"A little," the cardigan was nice but it was not enough to protect me from the cold.
"Here," he takes off his jacket and hands it to me.
"Wait, what about you?" I ask him not wanting him to get cold.
"I'll be fine," he says sitting down beside me. "Looks like we'll have to search for food tomorrow, I don't even remember the last time I had a decent meal."
My stomach growled a little at the thought of food and mentally kicked myself for skipping both lunch and dinner before everything went downhill.
"Sweet, I can't wait to search and explore," my eyes twinkled at the thought.
Dylan chuckles. "Just as long as you stay close and remember that we are looking for food, you can do whatever you like."
I grinned looking back up at the stars twinkling in the night sky, I wondered if, before the memory swipe, I sat with those who were once my friends and family and watched the stars.

"Would you have really shot yourself?" Dylan asks unexpectantly turning my attention on to him. Did not realise that that was the one thing that played on his mind, I bit my lip.
"Honestly, it felt like I had no control over my actions today, I have no idea what came over me... I just did it. So I would be lying if I said no."
Dylan blinks taken back by my honesty and took a few moments to speak.
"As badass as it was Avery, please do not ever do something like that again."
"What? Why?" I could not believe what he was saying. "I saved us!"
"I know you did" he raises his hands up, "and I thank you for it... but the thought of that happening just sickens me," he says. "We already lost you once and the last thing I want is to bring you home to your family as a corpse."
He looks away. I hadn't realised the effects of my actions.
"Your family would not be able to handle it.... not after putting a lot of effort in getting you back."
Taking a deep breath, I stood up and made my way over to him. "I understand what you are saying and I fully agree. I won't make promises as there may be a time where I might need to do it again but I won't be stupid enough to pull the trigger, that part I will promise you... I am sorry Dylan."
He smiles meeting my eyes, he reaches out and strokes my cheek, the electricity of that touch made me feel things I did not expect to feel. His touch was so warm and gentle. I closed my eyes wanting to feel that sensation without seeing it.
"You really are something," he whispers.
Unfortunately, I could not remain in this moment forever.
"You know I still cannot stop thinking about what happened back at Arcane... it just seems like it did not happen, it happened so fast and I can barely process it."
"Shock," Dylan answers "but don't worry, it'll feel more real with time. With it happening fast, it did feel like that didn't it? When shit like that hits the ceiling," he snaps his fingers "where it's almost a blur that you start thinking, did that even happen? But like I said, it'll calm down."
"I never did get to say thank you for saving me, you guys really risked a lot to not only save me but Noah and the others."
Dylan smiles. "Don't mention it."
I nodded thinking it was good to change the subject to lighten the atmosphere.
"So, we knew each before?" I asked him.
Dylan did not drop his hand right away but eventually did before he answered.
"Yes, we were friends," he says, "it was you, me and your brother."
"I have a brother?" I ask excited by this new information.
"Yeah, his name is Jerome. Great guy he is, he taught us a lot."
Hearing that statement really makes me want to meet him now.
"And Vincent is my father," I say slowly.
"Yeah, he was the leader of the Fireflies but when you were taken, he lost you... it was hard on your family especially and so your grandfather took over."
"Sounds like a family business," I say with a laugh.
"I guess you can say that," he nods. "But no one really wants the responsibility of looking after other people to make sure that they are warm and fed. And then you have goals like saving the immune from Arcane, finding a place where we can be free and training those who want to fight alongside us. We lost a lot and it has been hard, your grandfather - Tony - has run a tight ship the last few years.
"You know you've met the others? Nick, Hunter, and Tegan... not Bronson though."
"Really?" when Tegan appeared in my mind I made a face. "She does not seem to like me very much."
"Tegan doesn't like anyone," he laughs. "You and she met once and that entire meeting was nothing but bickering."
"Wow, guess some things never change," I mutter. Dylan heard and laughs.
"Bronson is our newest companion, he came to us about five months ago. He and Tegan get along very well but it would not surprise me if there were something going on between them."
"You mean like Nick and Hunter?" I question.
"Those two are waaaaay too obvious," he rolls his eyes.
"I think its cute," I say, "we don't have any kind of relationships when we were at Arcane. Friendships were formed and that was it, anyone, who dated anyone were separated and hardly got to see or speak to one another."
"Is that why you and Noah never got together? he asks surprising me.
"Noah and me?" I started to snigger at that. "No way! He is my best friend, nothing more and nothing less" I shake my head looking at him. "So back on track, what about Nick and Hunter? How did they come about?"
"Well, that is a weird story... we met Nick about a few months before you were taken, he was wondering about the ruins as if he was in a daze. Poor guy lost his family from the infection, he did not really say much but basically, he killed them."
"That's awful," I whispered now feeling sad for Nick. "How does he continue to remain happy though?" the thought of having to kill loved ones was both sad and sickening.
"It's because of Hunter. You see, Nick hardly spoke except around those who he was comfortable with but even then he would creep back into his shell. When we met Hunter, he was the leader of a small group of thieves. They captured us thinking we worked for Arcane but when you revealed your glowing eyes, he revealed his eyes as well... that's when he trusted us. Everyone knows that Arcane never allow their property to go out, never."
I shivered at that, we were allowed to wander around but never allowed to leave.
Dylan continued on without noticing. "We introduced ourselves and when Hunter observed Nick and said, 'I am Hunter, and you are?' and you know what Nick turns around and mutters? 'Not straight anymore apparently', I nearly fell over."

I closed my eyes trying to picture it. "Can you explain it to me again?" I ask.
Pretty sure Dylan would have given me weird look but he did do as I asked.

"Are you with Arcane?" the dark-haired boy with very bright blue eyes asks us, he was aiming the gun at us as we kneeled down in surrender.
"No," Dylan answered for us.
"Prove it," the boy narrowed his eyes at us.
"We will," I say getting to my feet but the blonde haired boy who I can now recognize as Jerome stops me.
"You can't," he says glaring at me. "We don't know who they are!"
I moved my hand away from him. I ignored him and turned my attention back to the boy and felt the familiar tingly sensations of the power and my eyes glowed. Hunter smirked revealing that he had the same glow with me. I grinned at him.
We were on the same side.

"The name is Hunter," he says. "I am the leader of Shadows."
"I am Avery, this is my group. We're apart of the Fireflies," I say motioning to the group.
"The Fireflies?" his mouth dropped and his four friends murmured behind him. "We've been searching for them for a long time. Must be a coincidence that you happen to be captured by us then."
"Must be," I smile.
The others introduced themselves but we noticed that Hunter had a particular interest in Nick, I walked over next to Dylan to ask him if he had noticed as well.
"I am Hunter, and you are?" he asks Nick who looked abnormally pale compared to his usual tanned complexion.
"Not straight anymore apparently," he mutters. My mouth dropped as Dylan stumbled back giving Nick a second look.
Jerome pulled me aside. "I get that this is your first mission Avery but remember you are only twelve and the world is a dangerous place. You can't just go around trusting randoms."
"But they're on own side Jerome, this is a good thing" I protested.

I opened my eyes.
"I remember."
"You remember?"
"Yes, Jerome was not happy that I revealed to the group, Shadows, that I was immune."
Dylan grins. "You remember?" he repeats.
"I noticed that Hunter took a particular interest in Nick, I walked over to you to see if you had noticed and that's when Hunter introduced himself and Nick made that comment."
Dylan bursts out laughing almost scaring the life away from me.
"YOU REMEMBER!" he shouts but winced as he remembered that we should not be making too much noise and give away our location.
"I guess we need to talk about memories or something," I say with a smile. "Maybe that's what helps regain memories after the memory swipe."
"That's great, but we should talk more after we've rested. I'll have first watch."

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