Chapter Three

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After finishing breakfast, I headed over to the elevator and pressed level two to head towards the gym. When I was reading, I was captured by the different stories and amazed by how creative the authors were whereas when it comes to the gym, it was the place where I refused to think about anything, I come here to push myself.
Pushing any unwanted thoughts away, I walked over to the wall and began my usual warm up. I stretched furthering myself enjoying the burning sensation I was feeling before I lined myself up to do some running. I took off my cardigan and tossed it aside.
I started off at first running as fast as I could, I could run this fast for three laps but this time the goal was to aim for four laps. I pushed myself keeping control on my breathing.
My legs were on fire.

"Faster!" I pushed myself more. "Come on!"
I was on my third lap, I was growing tired, sweat was dripping down my skin. My muscles were begging me to stop but I ignored it pushing more. I was almost there when suddenly I I tripped falling over hitting hard on the ground.
"Ah shit," I muttered pushing myself up into a sitting position. There was blood but not too much, I groaned hitting my hand on the ground I was so close to accomplishing my goal only to trip over my own stupid feet. "Stupid," I muttered getting to my feet.
I limped slightly over to the first aid kit to get some alcohol wipes and some bandaids. I ripped the wipes open and hissed in pain when it came into contact with the wound.
"Fuck," I growled.
Once I wiped it wishing I could hit something, I carefully placed a bandaid over it. I even added a second one just to be sure it would stay. Getting to my feet, I walked over to pick up the cardigan and leaving the gym whilst typing the cardigan around my waist.

Maybe I'll try again this afternoon but right now, I think a nice hot shower would be nice before I go do some reading, I was feeling a little better about that part.
As I press the button to the elevator, I could hear some noises. I stepped back looking up at the air vents confused at what could be making those noises.
"Is someone up there?" I call up to it.
The noises stopped.
I snorted. "Just my imagination," I muttered.
The door opens, I was taken back by that blonde boy from earlier standing slightly in front of Vincent. Vincent nods to me.
"Avery" he says.
The boy snaps his head up in my direction as if he had just realised the elevator doors were opened.
"Hello Vincent," I smile at him walking into the elevator ignoring the boy.
I push the level G button to go to the underground where my room was. But unfortunately, we were still heading up.
"Working out?" Vincent asks.
"Yeah, just needed to clear my head," I reply. "Almost made it to four laps."
The boy next to me snorted, I bit the side of my mouth to stop me from saying something to him. I have to remember that rules were rules.
"That's good, what made you stop?" he asks.
"Fell over," I said annoyed.
The boy snorted again.
I really wanted to say something, I looked at him, man did I want to say something to that boy but the familiar ding came and the doors opened. I snapped my head back up in case someone like Jaxon was standing there.
"Bye Avery," Vincent says as he walks past me.
"See you," I replied and just before the doors closed, the boy turns his head back to me, it was a blank look so I was not too sure what he was even thinking.
"Weirdo," I muttered pushing level G again.

* *

After a really nice and long hot shower, I changed into pants and a singlet top. I looked in the mirror and brushed my long blonde hair getting rid of the knots, once that was finished I put it in my favourite hairstyle, a side braid.
On my way back down to my room after fuming over that cute yet annoying outsider, I knocked on Noah's door again but there was no response from him again. I did not peek in his room again just in case so I tried shrugging it off but honestly, it just made me even more worried. I couldn't even read the book, I just needed to know where he was.
I stood up from the table and headed out of my room.
I knocked on Noah's door again.
"Noah? Noah, are you in there?" I call. "Please, I am worried."
No response.
"Noah, please..."
Still no response.
I was fully ready to kick the door down even though the doors were always unlocked when one of the guards comes over.
"Okay fireball," she says removing her helmet. "Before you do something stupid, you need to know that doctor Cleo has asked for your presence."
"Oh, okay?" I was a tad confused but did not proceed with kicking down the door and quickly headed over towards the elevator door waiting to get into it and pressing level four. Maybe doctor Cleo has an answer to Noah's strange behaviour.
I tapped my foot impatiently waiting for the ding and when it came, I did not really care who stood there, I walked past heading towards Cleo's office. I knocked once before entering.
Doctor Cleo looks up surprised.
"You asked to see me?"
"Well, yes ... but you look like a woman on a mission."
Heat raised to my cheeks, I am realising that I needed to calm down.
"Sorry... umm, have you seen Noah around?" I ask her.
"Subject A9," I say fighting back an eye roll. God, stop being so stupid and tell me, was what I really wanted to say to her.

"Subject A9? No, I can't say I have seen him," Cleo says concerned. "Is everything all right?"
"I don't know," I sat down slumping into the chair putting my face into my hands. "It's not like him to just disappear."
"It's okay," Cleo says. "They've probably kept him in the punishment room."
"For what? He has done nothing wrong."
All Cleo did was shrug.
I sighed in annoyance. "If you do see him, can you tell him to come to see me. I am worried about him."
Cleo smiles. "I will Avery. But right now, I asked you here because you spoke to Jaxon about your decision."
"Yes, he was in my room and asked about it."
"In your room?" Cleo looked baffled by that. "Why?"
"I don't know," I lied knowing full well what he was going to do but I did not say anything. After this morning, he acted like he did not do anything wrong, as if it never happened.
"Hmm... might have to speak to someone about that," Cleo mutters, she clears her voice and speaks louder "well next time, I would prefer it if you came to me first about your decisions since I am your doctor and all."
"Sorry," I tell her. "He just surprised me, that's all."
"Very well," she says, "sleeping well?"
"So far so good," I grinned.
For a split second, I thought Cleo looked a little disappointed but when I blinked, it was gone. Back to her usual emotionless expression.
"Well, remember, come see me straight away if it happens again."
"I will," I tell her.
"And tomorrow is a big day, they would like to begin your first day of testing, how do you feel about that?" she asks sounding a little concerned.
"Oh? I thought we were going to wait until I turned eighteen?" I asked confused.
"Plans have changed," Cleo says sounding slightly annoyed. "You don't mind, do you?"
"I..." I was not so sure, thought I'd have time to prepare myself. "Not really sure," I answer honestly. "Maybe I'll think about that part when I leave but for my answer now? The sooner the better I suppose."
"Very good," she smiles.
"See you tomorrow."

Subject A7Where stories live. Discover now