Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Dylan's POV

It took a lot longer than it should have due to not being able to recognise their surroundings and because in order to avoid using all their ammo, they had to avoid shooting guards so they had to be sneaking unless they had no other choice. Dylan hated it, he just needed to get there to know that both of them were safe.

When they reached the tunnel depot, they had to hide behind some buildings. Arcane guards were surrounding the depot.
"Must've locked the door," Nick says as they watched.
"They can't be in there still," Hunter shook his head.
Dylan narrowed his eyes. "No, I think Avery would wait for us."
Tegan made a 'tsk' sound. Dylan was ready to snap at her but he did not, they needed to focus.
"We need to come up with a plan," Hunter says. "We need to get in there as well."

The door was opened slightly and then it was closed, Dylan nods confirming his suspicions. She would have waited for them, she would have waited for him just like she usually would back in the day. He could not hold back the stupid smile.
"They are there, they're waiting for us," he says.
"How do you know?" Tegan was not in the mood for any bullshit, neither was Dylan.
"Open your eyes," Dylan snaps at her, "the door was opened slightly before it closed."
Bronson nods. "I saw it as well."
"Anyone come up with a plan yet?"
Tegan throws her hands up in the air. "We shoot them, simple. Kill them and we head over there to get them out."
"No, don't get them out," Nick says. His face was really red, he must still be in pain. "We stay in."
"What the fuck Nick?" Tegan turns on Nick.
"Easy," Hunter warns her.
"Sorry, I should've elaborated more. That's the second escape route, the tunnels. We go in there, get a car and drive like hell out of there, we'd be at the camp by midday."
Dylan looks up, the sun was rising, it had to be about five in the morning.
"Okay, so we shoot them. Get our asses over there and get inside, we get into a car and drive off..." Dylan said it again not only for the group but for himself.

"And what about the infected?" Hunter asks.
"Infected?!" Tegan stares at them each individually. Her face paled. "Now the question is what will happen if there is no escaping the tunnels?"
"It leads to the one near the bridge Tegan," Nick says giving her a look. "We went past it before we went on that rescue mission, it's still open and it is still good to go."
"And what about the infected?" Bronson asks.
"We drive and run any over that wants to fuck with us," Nick replies smirking.
Tegan relaxes. "Okay but I dibs driving."

"Nick, hand me your gun," Dylan says.
Nick was about to protest, Dylan could see that his friend wanted too but instead, he sighs and hands over the gun and some ammo. The Arcane guards move and they saw that they were carrying a massive screw machine, they were going to get inside.
"Okay, get into position," Dylan says. He and Bronson both creep over and little to the other building to get a closer shot, Hunter stayed closer to Nick he had eyes on the other side making sure nothing snuck up on them. Tegan was in the perfect position to swap between sides if need be.
"Ready Bronson?" Dylan asks.
"Always ready to risk it, baby," Bronson winks at him.

Avery's POV

Colin clicked the button, he flashed the light in my eyes. "Dude, watch it."
"Sorry," he says. He picks up another one and hands it to me. "Here."
"Thanks," I turned it on and flashed him in the eyes.
I laughed. "Oh sorry," he rolls his eyes as I giggled.
We walked up the stairs to the door, they at least stopped attempting to get inside. I walked over to open the door slightly but it did not open.

"Oh shit, I locked the door" I slapped myself. "Hang on," bloody hell, no wonder why they were not here yet, I unlocked it and peeked out. Arcane guards were still surrounding the door still.
"Shit," I closed the door looking at. "Colin, the Arcane guards are still out there, what do we do?"

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