Chapter Five

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The dream came again.
The sounds of people screaming, I stood in the middle of it all watching as people around me ran in slow-motion, the sounds of explosions hit the ground causing me to cover my ears from the sound. I looked around seeing someone, it was Vincent calling my name. Why was he in my dreams?
"Avery! Avery!"
I could not move.
I turned to see doctor Linda's face, the woman who always wore too much red lipstick. He icy cold eyes stared down at me.
"Don't be afraid," she says.
I looked down to see that I was strapped down, I was not wearing the usual white colours but instead my clothes were dirty, ripped and torn.
"It's for the best," Linda continues.
The dream shifted back to two blonde boys. One of them I recognised as an Outsider but the other, he was a lot older and both were calling my name, he seemed familiar but I could not grasp any memory of him. Arms were wrapped tightly around me, I looked up to see Jaxon pulling me away from this place.
The last bit was new, Noah's face appeared terrified out of his mind.
"It's a lie Avery, don't do it tomorrow!"

I gasped sitting upright from that dream. I have almost the same dreams for quite some time as if I was living in someone else's shoes. But this was the first time Vincent appears and now that boy... nothing was making sense.
I rubbed my eyes and wiped the sweat from my forehead. Here I thought that the dreams would finally be over but obviously, it was not the case, I threw sheets off my body and stepped onto the floor. Doctor Cleo asked if I had any more dreams that I should go to her, the only reason I was going to her was what Noah said, I trusted her and it truly did scare me as well as maybe they can postpone the testing and shit for another day, I really wanted to sort this all out with my friend.
A noise was coming from under my bed, the same noise I heard from earlier today, I glanced at my clock since it was almost midnight. Why would they be working on something this late?
I got down on my hands and knees seeing the air vent door, the way I would use so Noah and I could meet up. Suddenly the door was pushed open causing me to yelp and jump to my feet. A blonde figure emerged, I could not believe my eyes when it stood up, I ran to turn on the light to see the person easier. It was that same blonde haired boy from earlier.
"An O-outsider," I managed to say reaching for the door handle.
"Don't" he says reaching out to stop me, I flinched trembling. He noticed and lowered his hands. "Don't do that," he says slowly. "I am not going to hurt you, I promise."
I took a deep breath trying to calm myself but I never took my hand away from the handle.
"What do you want?" I asked him sounding a lot stronger than I was feeling.
"You're Avery?" he asks "Subject A7?"
He smiles. It was a nice smile.
"The person I was looking for, I knew you were familiar."
"Huh?" I gave him a bizarre look. "I don't know you."
His face drops. "I knew it was too good to be true, memory swipe I am assuming."
"Memory swipe?"
"Yeah, it's when they take particular people who they see as valuable and they use a memory swipe on them to gain them on their side."
"No one used a memory swipe on me," I snapped at him.
"How do you know?" he questions. "You wouldn't know because then what would be the point of the memory swipe?"
I could not answer that, instead, I just glared at him.
"Your friend Noah came to see you but he hasn't come back, where is he?" the boy asks.
"How do you know Noah?" I ask him.
The boy sighs. "Answer my question and I'll answer yours."
Man, he was sounding like a big jerk. Maybe I should just call a guard but no, I found myself answering his question. "They took him to the punishment room. Jaxon and two guards."
"Thought as much," the boy says. "I did warn him."
"Now my question!"
"Fine, fine" he rolls his eyes. "A couple of my friends and I have been searching for someone we're looking for through the air vents and we bumped into Noah. He was shocked but since we're from the outside, he questioned us on our knowledge. On everything. It did start to annoy some of us. He did not seem at all surprised by what we were saying to him because he had his suspicions as well."
"So much to tell you," he bit his lip. "Come with me, it'll be easier if we all explained it to you."
"Explained what?"
"Just come with me," he smiles.
"Excuse me but I don't even know you," I folded my arms.
The boy arched his eyebrow at me and walks over to me, he towered over me easily and even staring at him wide-eyed, I couldn't help but notice how beautiful his eyes were. "My name is Dylan. I come from the outside world, I turned nineteen a few days ago and my favourite colour is blue."
I narrowed my eyes at him, what a complete smart ass.
"Now c'mon, we're wasting time."

Subject A7Where stories live. Discover now