Chapter Seventeen

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Dylan leaned back glancing at me nervously.
"We're not alone... someone is here..." were not the words I was hoping to hear.
I felt my body begin to tremble at the thought of the Arcane guards, I was not going back not to be apart of their experimentation.

"We're hidden... we'll be fine," I was not sure if I was talking to Dylan or myself more.
Dylan had asked Colin to close the door leading to the secret room, we'll be fine. We've got to be fine.
I decided to have a peek as well through the hole, Dylan said something about moving ahead to see if we were able to make a getaway, did not even hear him walk or anything plus just staring at the figure watching as it walked around dragging its feet.

"Avery," Dylan whispers, I looked at him. "Come," he motioned for us to follow him, we did and Colin stayed right at my feet if we were in a completely different situation, I would have told him to bugger off but right now getting out was the main thing. As we turned there were cracks in the walls, I could see the person now... it was an infected and for some strange reason, the infected looked familiar, I leaned forward without realising trying to get a better look, it was covered in black veins, the yellow skin was visible and than it screamed.
We covered our eyes from it's piercing scream.
When I looked back, there is stood right in front of me. Its eyes covered entirely of nothing but darkness and it was looking at me, oh my god, relation sets in, it was that kid from the photo... I shrank back in fear, it sniffed and screamed once more before clawing at the wall.
I screamed.
"RUN!" Colin shouts.
Dylan grabs my arm as we ran down the narrow halls of the house, I could still hear it clawing at the wall like an animal hunting its prey.
"Oh my god!" I cried.
It was like a maze, we kept turning down each corridor before we reached a small opening, it was small but I reckon we could fit. Dylan aims his gun waiting for the infected.
"Avery, open it!" he shouts.
I was already on it, I got down and crawled to the door. I  tried pushing on it but it was not doing anything.
"It's stuck!" I shout back at Dylan. 
I pushed it again using all my strength. "Open the damn door," Colin shouts at me.
"What the fuck do you think I am trying to do?"
I pushed as hard as I could, just could not do it. The thing screamed again it was coming!
I twisted around to use my feet to kick the door, it opened slightly. I sucked in a breath and kept kicking, Colin was screaming at me to hurry up.

I looked up to see Dylan shooting, that was motivation enough to repeatedly kick the door, pain shot through my legs and sweat trickled down my face. The scream of the infected was cut short.

Dylan killed it, another scream echoed throughout the house, I struggled again with the door using my feet to push it open. A laugh escaped my lips as I twisted around and crawled through, Colin was right behind me. The coldness of the wind hit us, it felt nice.
Dylan was shooting at something again.
"DYLAN!" I screamed.
He appeared came crawling through the small opening a few seconds after.
"RUN!" he shouts pushing both Colin and me away.
We ran, Dylan easily took the lead leading us into the forest, we could hear more of them now. They were coming after us. I looked up, the trees were high enough.
"Climb the trees," I shout starting at the one closest to me. I kept climbing until I could not climb anymore, I looked down suddenly feeling nauseated at how high I was, I looked around seeing two other figures in the trees. As tempted as I was to call out to them just to be sure, I could not, fear paralyzed me especially when the infected came running through the forest, it was too dark to see but there had to be a lot of them.

So that night, we stayed hidden in the trees, waiting. 

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