Chapter Thirty-Two

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"Put your hands up!" someone shouts, I turned to see someone with their face covered aiming a gun at me. I did as he asked and lifted my arms up.
"You're the asshole who I crashed for?" I made a face. "You should thank me."
"Shut up," he shouts.
"Should've fucking ran you over," I say glaring at him.
"I said shut the fuck up," he shouts. "I will shoot you."
I closed my eyes and opened them to reveal my glowing us showing that I was immune. "I fucking dare you."

The guy doesn't move an inch upon seeing my eyes which made me question his intentions, it could be because he is from Arcane. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a walkie talkie, I roll my eyes looking over at the sunrise, I smile at its beauty.
"Yeah, I've got one."
"Is it infected?" a male's voice spoke, his voice was deeper and he sounded a lot older.
"No, she's immune," the guy replies. "Her eyes glow but I am not too sure about the boy, he is unconscious."
"He is immune," I tell him.
"Shut up," the guy snarls.
"Trying to help you," I mutter.
"Shut up," he was almost shouting.
"Dude, is that all you can say?"
"Check him," the male says. "We're coming to you now."
"I will shoot you," the guy shouts. "Say another word, I fucking dare you."
I was so fucking tempted to shoot my mouth off again but instead, I remained silent.
"Good, you do know how to listen" he removes his bandana from his face revealing his entire face, he was a little older and was growing a beard, he was a little too far from me to make out his exact appearance. He lowers his gun. "Will do," the guy says on the walkie talkie. "Over and out," he puts it away before finally speaking to me. "Right, I want you to check him for any bite marks."
"And I told you he is immune like me," I tell him.
The guy raises his gun again and this time he aimed it at Colin.
"Okay!" I took a step back towards Colin. "Okay, I'll check him. Just do not shoot him."
"Better hurry it up, my men will be here soon."
I glared at him and turned to check Colin, I checked his arms, his neck, I even checked under his shirt, I blushed at the part as I have never touched another person like this, it felt so uncomfortable particularly when he felt more solid there than I thought. Did he use to do a lot of workouts as well? I quickly dismissed those thoughts as soon as they arrived, this was bloody Colin I was thinking about for god's sake. I started checking his legs and stopped when I started getting too close to a private area, I looked up at the guy and said 'he is clear, just as I told you' and stood up.
"Don't talk and don't move," the guy says.
My blood boiled at this person standing before me and giving me orders, like who the fuck did he think he is. I crashed this stupid car to not hit him and this is how I was treated, I could seriously picture myself knocking his teeth out.
I glanced over at Colin worried that he was seriously injured and prayed that he woke up soon.
Car noises came in the distance making their way over towards us. The guy seemed to ease up a little as it approached, the car stops and an elderly man steps out and makes his way over towards us. The first thing I noticed about him was not just that he was old but the scar along the right side over his eye, to me that felt familiar but strange all in the same instance.
"Who are you?" the older man asks, the young guy takes a step back but watching me carefully.
Instead of answering as a smart person would, I did something completely stupid.
"How about you tell me who the hell you are and this weirdo," I motion to the boy.
"That's not things work girl," the boy snarls again.
"Listen here dip shit, I crashed the car for you risking both my life and the life of my friend here. So instead of you lot coming out here like you own the land, you either let us go so we can be on our merry way or tell me what I want to know."
Both of them exchanged a look. The older guy turned around and walked back to his car, I frowned at what was happening, there were no words exchanged but the younger guy seemed to know what was happening. The older guy returned, I took a couple of steps back almost falling over Colin in the process while holding my arms.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" I couldn't keep my eyes off of the massive gun he was holding. "Take it easy!"
"Answer our questions or I'll put a bullet through your head," the older guy threatens.
The other cars had people popping out of them, some came running over to surround us and they were aiming guns as well. Maybe next time, if there was going to be the next time, I'll remember to not shoot my big mouth off like a lunatic.
"Who are you?" the guy says again.
I glare at him refusing at say anything breathing heavily.
"Last chance, who are you?" the guy says again.
I glance at Colin, he was still not moving.
"Vincent," I said through my teeth.
"Vincent," I repeat in a louder and clearer voice. "I am with Vincent!"
The older guy narrows his eyes. "How do you know Vincent?"
"He helped me escape Arcane," I say feeling the need to leave out that part where I am supposedly his daughter, that part I haven't thought about that much nor would likely want to process unless I speak to Vincent again.
"Wait, you were one of the escapees?" the guy asks suddenly appearing to be nicer. "How come you were not with the main group?"
"Are you with the Fireflies?" I ask him not liking how his personality changed from angry shit head to a nicer shit head. I was not falling for it.
"Yes," he says smiling.
"I'm not buying it," the older guy says. "She avoided answering the question so I'll ask you again, who are you?"
"Josephine" I lied not sure why I did so but it felt like I needed too.
"And who is that?" he motions to Colin using his gun.
I was about to lie when I remembered that I was shouting Colin's name and the guy would have heard it so I could not exactly cover for him.
"That is Colin," I point to Colin. "We are not infected, we're both immunes."
I even closed my eyes and opened them to prove my point as they glowed.
The man did not look like he believed me, he glared at me before turning to the younger guy and says, 'you know what to do' before turning to walk back to his car.
The younger one nods and looked behind me and nods again.
Someone then covered my face with a bag.
"Please," I shout. "Don't forget Colin!"

* * *

When they removed the black bag, they made me go through this check up before I was allowed inside. Once they said I was clear, I was pushed through the doors.
I was standing inside a building. There were tents, clothes hanging from ropes and people walking around doing whatever it is they were doing. Some people were carrying baskets of fruit, some were carrying buckets filled with water. I couldn't stop staring and could not help but compare it to Arcane.
Arcane, it had white walls, people having jobs, seriousness and now thinking about it, it was not full of life unlike this place, this place was dirty and had a bit of a weird smell but this... this felt like home.
"Wow" I could feel the tears forming in my eyes.
"You okay?" the guy from earlier stood beside me.
I nod. "I'm just taking it all in."
"Comparing it to Arcane?" he rolls his eyes. "I get it, it isn't as spectacular but it is home."
"No, no ... it's amazing," I felt a tear escape, I quickly wiped it away.
He smiles. "The name is Billy by the way," he says holding out his hand for me to shake, I shook his hand.
"Hi," I gave him a short nod turning my focus back to the room before me.
"So you just going to stand there all day and gawk at the place or you going to have a look around?"
"I think I'll just stand here for a bit," I tell him. He was probably asked to follow me around to make sure I was not a spy or anything.
"Well all right... you know that older guy, his name is Tony. He is the leader of the Fireflies," Billy explains as if I was asking for information. Confused as to why he was telling me though.
I opened my mouth to say something but quickly closed it, didn't Dylan mention something a Tony is my grandfather? No, it could not be, maybe I misheard him and it was different Tony.

"Look I am sorry about how I treated you down near the entrance of the tunnels. But that is what we need to do, check for any signs of the infection and treat everyone that we do not know as a threat."
I shrugged glad that he interrupted my thoughts. "I understand."
Billy laughs. "But damn girl you do have a smart mouth."
"Just glad I no longer have to be polite. At Arcane, if you were a smart ass you'd be punished... well beaten up until the smart ass crap was beaten out of you."
Billy's smile drops. "I knew that they treated you guys bad but not to that extent."
"Being a smart ass - you got beaten up. You beat the guards up - you go to the solitude room or if you disobey a rule or try to escape - you went to the punishment room... and I was the one who usually beat up the guards so you can easily guess where I'd end up," I laugh. "But if you were well behaved you were able to roam around to an extent like I'd go workout at the gym and visit my friend Noah and-" I stopped realising something. "NOAH!"
Billy frowns. "Noah?"
"My friend from Arcane! Is he here?"
"Gotta be a bit more descriptive Josephine, who is Noah?"
"The kid who got shot in the leg," I practically grab Billy.
"Oh him, he is in the medics tent. Come on, I'll bring you to him."

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