Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Avery's POV

I grunted as I moved the guard off of me and scooted back looking at the guard who was now dead.
Gunshots came from above us, Colin grabbed Dylan's spare gun, aimed and shot Damon in the shoulder. Damon curses stumbling backward. Colin leaps to his feet aiming the gun at Damon.
"I wouldn't try anything stupid, you got that?" Colin shouts.

I could not believe my eyes, Colin, the snot nosed cry baby was actually doing something heroic. I thought I was dreaming for a second.
People were now scattering, I ran to Dylan.
"Shoot him!" I shout.
Last time we allowed Damon to live, this time there was no chance of him leaving alive. That was the one thing I regret since leaving Arcane.
Colin looks at me, hen looked very uncertain as well as angry.
"Colin, he won't stop coming after us or more of those who are immune. We have to kill him or he'll kill more."
Colin looked back at Damon. "I don't know if I could kill Avery," he whispers. I walk over to him not sure on what to say, someone had to kill him and I knew I couldn't do it either.
"It's okay," I tell Colin.
"I'll do it," Dylan says holding his hand out for the gun.

We turned to see Tegan and Bronson running over towards us. I grinned at them, they were the ones who had also saved us. Now all they needed to do was get out of here alive and then they can finally be safe. Avery was on the verge of cheering and crying.
"Why the fuck are you all standing around? Let's go!" Tegan shouts.
Something dropped in the middle of our somewhat circle, it was small and it made a funny sound.
"Grenade!" Nick shouts.
We ran in different directions and it went off with an explosion, I tackled Colin to the ground, pits of dirt went into my eyes, I rubbed my eye looking around trying to gather my surroundings, I was hearing a ringing sound and around me, I felt it was just a daze.
When my focus came back and I looked back over to see Damon, he had run as well but now he was gripping his shoulder looking at us, he was beyond furious. Arcane guards surrounding him, he
"Come on!" I shout at Colin. "We gotta go!"

I struggled to get to my feet, I was so fucking exhausted. I assisted in helping Colin up, we both looked around to find where the others went while walking backgrounds.
"Shit," Colin says. "What do we do?"
I looked around squinting trying to find Dylan. Arcane guards were running towards us.
"Right now? RUN!"
We ran not knowing where to go, people were still running around. It was mayhem and since Colin and I have never been here before, we were lost. I took charge and led us past a few buildings.
"Shit, shit, shit" I furiously whispered while running, we had no idea where Dylan or the others were. "Fuck, we're lost."
I turned a corner with Colin right behind me and we crouched down to catch our breaths. We were lost and now I needed to think, what would Dylan do? I checked to make sure we were not followed, the street seemed oddly empty aside from a couple of people running into buildings but they were not Arcane so we were clear. For now.
"The tunnel depot," I say without thinking. "That was the plan."
I glanced behind to see if they were still following. "We should stick to the plan!"
"But where is it?" Colin asks.
I bit my lip. "Uhh..."
Getting to my feet, I took a step forward looking back and forth trying to remember which way Angus had gone, it was all too confusing. After we were captured, I was looking down. I could literally kick myself for losing hope when I should have been taking notes on my surroundings and planning an escape.
"Fuck" I mutter.
I looked back, there were a few guards coming our way.
"Fuck," I muttered again. I grabbed Colin's arm, we continued running. He followed me but I had no idea where the hell we were going, just avoiding the Arcane guards was the first priority, the second was keeping an eye out for that tunnel depot.

Dylan's POV

Gunshots came from above us, Colin grabbed Dylan's spare gun, aimed and shot Damon in the shoulder. Damon curses stumbling backward. Colin leaps to his feet aiming the gun at Damon. Dylan blinked just processing what had just happened, Colin who was nothing but a crybaby this entire time... did something badass.
"I wouldn't try anything stupid, you got that?" Colin shouts.

"Colin, easy" Dylan says.
People were now scattering, Dylan looks over to see Avery running over to him. She pauses for a second.
"Shoot him!" Avery shouts. Dylan was taken back but her words.
Colin looks at her, he looked very uncertain as well as angry. Dylan licked his lips, he was trying to think of a way to get the gun off of Colin, that weapon was dangerous in the wrong hands, especially in hands that did not know how to use one. Nick and Hunter came up behind him.
"We need to get the gun off him," he whispers low enough for both of them to hear.
"Colin, he won't stop coming after us or more of those who are immune. We have to kill him or he'll kill more," Avery was saying.
Colin looked back at Damon. "I don't know if I could kill Avery," he whispers. She walks over to him.
"It's okay," she tells Colin.
He saw an opportunity and he took it. "I'll do it," Dylan says holding his hand out for the gun.

He and the others turned to see Tegan and Bronson running over towards us. A relieved smile came across Dylan's face, he could not be any happier to see them.
"Why the fuck are you all standing around? Let's go!" Tegan shouts.
Something dropped in the middle of our somewhat circle, it was small and it made a funny sound.
"Grenade!" Nick shouts.
They ran in different directions, it went off. They were thrown back hitting the ground hard. Dylan coughed at the dirt that got into his mouth and struggled up get up, his vision was slightly blurred and a loud ringing was in his ears.
He struggled to stand and stumbled almost smacking into a building. He needed to snap out of it, he looked over to see Hunter helping Nick to his feet, Bronson was shooting and Tegan was shouting something at him.
"MOVE IT DYLAN!" she screams.
Dylan nods and shook his head. He starts moving and looks over to see Avery lifting Colin to his feet and running in the opposite direction to them.
"AVERY!" Dylan shouts her name but she could not hear him.
Dylan saw Damon pointing and Arcane guards starting to chasing them, he goes to pull his gun out but remembers that his spare, Colin took out to shoot Damon. Now instead of being amazed, Dylan was fucking pissed.
He followed after Tegan who had Nick leaning on her, he was limping.
Dylan took Nick off of her so she could lead them away from the gun firing.
"What happened?" Dylan asks.
"My ankle!" Nick winces in pain. "Fucking hell of all the times!"
"It's okay," Dylan assures his friend.
"C' mon!" Tegan starts running back the way both her and Bronson appeared. Bronson continued shooting, Hunter was shooting by slowly backing up. Dylan was half-dragging and half-carrying Nick after Tegan. He was sweating. Nick was trying his best to assist Dylan.
"WHAT'S THE PLAN?" Hunter shouts seizing fire when the guards were either dead or ducking for cover, he backs up towards Dylan and Nick. Bronson was right behind him.
"Clear!" Bronsons says. 
"VINCENT!" Tegan shouts into the walkie talkie. "Where are you?"
"My eyes are on you!" Vincent replies. "Normally I wouldn't risk it but you need to retrieve Avery for me!"
Tegan looked like she was ready to argue with him. "Fine, did you see what way she went?"
"North," he responds. "Please," he begs "I cannot lose her again."
This time, Tegan rolled her eyes.
"Risking our lives for your daughter? Seriously Vincent?"
"Tegan!" Bronson shouts at her.
There was a pause. "Do not question me Tegan, I'd do this for you or anyone on my team."
Tegan glared. "Fine" was all she said. "Over and out."

"Fuck, hope she is all right," Dylan mutters forgetting that Nick could hear him.
"Don't worry," Nick says. "She's a smart girl, she knows what to do."
"What does that mean?" Dylan asks him.
"Simple, we check the tunnel depot," he says as if it were obvious.

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