Chapter Thirty-Six

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I woke up the next morning with a killer headache. I moaned rolling around in the bed... wait? Bed, I sat upright instantly regretting that choice and groaned, the room was dimly lit but I could see an outline of someone laying on the floor, I squinted my eyes and saw that it was Dylan.
I was quite surprised that he did not sleep beside me as I did offer for him to sleep in the same bed as me when we were at that town place.
I laid back down closing my eyes trying to ignore the headache that was pounding hard, I rolled over sighing.
"You okay?" a soft voice from the floor asks.
"I'm here," he was still speaking so softly.
"Sorry, did I wake you?"
"No, I was awake for a little while, it is still quite early in the morning. How are you feeling?"
I did not respond right away, my head was pounding, I did not feel the need to vomit yet and was still extremely tired.
"Not too good," I tell him honestly.
"It was a good night but maybe next time you should take it easy," he says.
"I'll remember that," I smile. "Why are you sleeping on the floor? I offered my bed to you when we were in that town."
Dylan sighs. "Wasn't too sure if you wanted that so I let you have the bed."
"Is this your room?" I ask.
"Yeah," he sounded shy.
I smiled hoping that when it gets brighter I could see it better. And I was sleeping in his bed, my heart picked up its rate again.
"Well, don't lay on the floor, come here," I scooted over enough for him, he hesitated for a few seconds before getting up and climbing into the bed with me. He pulled the blanket up and we laid there facing the ceiling side by side.
"Last night was fun," I say to him, "it's the most fun I have had in a long time... well, the only fun I've had that I can remember."
"Yeah it was, I really enjoyed watching you trip and shove Bronson," he chuckles.
I laugh as well remembering the dumbfounded look on his face when I tripped and shoved him. It was great.
"But it was great seeing the whole group together," he continues. "Plus Noah and Colin joining in, one of the best bonfires I've ever had."
I frowned. "I don't remember seeing Colin last night."
"That's because he was enjoying drinking and talking to all the girls," Dylan says. "I spotted him a few times and a few girls were laughing at whatever it was he was saying."
"That's nice," I mutter.
We continued talking and not long after we fell asleep when we finally awoke Dylan suggested we get dressed and go get something to eat, my stomach growled when those words left his mouth which meant that I agreed with him. I did not want to wear the clothes I was wearing last night so Dylan tossed me a black shirt and some grey pants, he walked into the bathroom to get changed. I sat on the bed stroking the clothes he gave me, it was fascinating to me still that I was wearing other clothes besides the white at Arcane and could not wait to wear.
Dylan emerged from the bathroom so then I went in to get changed, I took off the clothes I had been wearing the day before there was a shower, I went over to turn it on and it didn't turn on. I frowned, didn't the water in the town worked? I shrugged not really wanting a shower anyway and put on the clothes and looked in the slightly cracked mirror. I used my fingers to comb through my hair, it had little knots and cringed when pulling out the bigger one. Once I felt like I look presentable I walked out of the bathroom.
"Ready?" he asks.
"Yeah, I'm ready."
Dylan led the way and ended up having to drag me by the arm as I could not stop looking around, there were not as many people awake yet probably because we stayed up so late drinking and enjoying ourselves but some people were still doing there morning or daily routine.
"Oh excuse me!" someone calls. Both Dylan and I turned around to see an elderly woman limping over towards us. "You must be Vincent's daughter?"
"Uh..." I glanced at Dylan nervously. "Yeah?"
"It's so nice to see you again, you must remember me?" she smiles at me, there was a couple of teeth missing.
"Yeah... uhh..." Dylan leans down to whisper 'Hannah' and I smiled. "Hannah."
"You've grown up so much," she pinches my cheek, it hurt.
Dylan smiles. "Excuse me Hannah but Avery and I must be going, we will find you later and both you and Avery could catch up."
"Sounds lovely," Hannah says. "Have a good day," she says and limps away.
"Phew," I turned to Dylan. "I'm sorry, I couldn't lie to her, she looked so sweet and I just did not want to disappoint another person."
"That's okay," he says. "Come on, we're almost at the food hall."
We continued walking, Dylan this time was pointing things out and I was now seeing how really big this place truly was. One room was where they were training to fight, Dylan says that the shooting range was away from the main building as they did not want people thinking we were under attack and that if they were actually under attack, they wouldn't think people were practicing. The medics tent that was there for when their hospital rooms were too full. I asked Dylan why the hospital was full and he responded with because people got injured a lot during practice or during missions.
We passed the council hall and finally reached the food hall, I could smell eggs and bacon which just made my mouth water and my stomach growl much to my embarrassment. We lined up and got our food before finding the table with the group on it.
We joined them, Colin was sitting next to Noah chatting, Tegan shoots me a look and rolls her eyes, I almost asked her what the hell was wrong with her but the discussion between Bronson, Nick and Hunter was louder and appeared to be more fun than picking a fight with Tegan.

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