Chapter Two

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Entering my room I almost screamed when I saw a silhouette of someone sitting on my bed, I flicked on the light ready to fight the asshole who dared enter my room without permission but I froze when I saw it was Jaxon.
"Hello Avery," Jaxon says smiling creepily at me. "Thought I'd pay you a special visit this evening."
Fearing of being punished by him I forced a smile on my face.
"That's nice of you sir," I tell him. "If it's okay for me to ask why though?"
Jaxon laughs causing me to flinch.
"I hear you are turning eighteen very soon and that you are about to make a choice on what to do," he says getting to his feet and moving to sit on the chair. "Please sit down."
I swallowed forcing myself to walk over to my bed and sit, the door closed on its own leaving me alone with Jaxon, those rumors about those girls suddenly felt more real with every passing second.
"I know you are given a couple of days to think about your choice but I am curious to know what is going through your pretty little head of yours."
"Well sir, I was told a lot of things with my meeting and I don't know ... I feel as if I am ready to take on the experimentations and testing," I say honestly. "I'm only doing this because of that infected I saw during my punishments and when thinking about that ... a lot of people are suffering from it... I want to help."
Jaxon smiles as if he was pleased with what he was hearing, it made me feel sick to my stomach.
"Very good to hear that Avery," he says licking his lips. "Correct me if I am wrong but you are the one with the dreams, aren't you?"
I frowned. "I thought that was only between doctor Cleo and me?"
Jaxon chuckles.
"I had a look through your file Avery, seems you have a record of being very naughty." The way he said that I had to fight back the shivers I was feeling. "But you have been a good girl this month I suppose... you've learned your lesson?"
"Y-yes sir," I did not know what else to say.
I looked over at the door praying someone would come in.
Jaxon moved from the chair to sit on the bed next to me, I felt instantly sick and wanted to run out of the room screaming for help.
"Should I teach you a lesson?" Jaxon asks moving my hair from my face. "I promise I'll be gentle."
I closed my eyes as he puts both hands on my shoulder when the door opens.

"Mr. Jaxon," I relaxed slightly opening my eyes when I heard Vincent's voice. "Doctor Linda would like to speak with you."
"Can't that wait?" Jaxon taking one hand off my shoulder, I tried to not flinch at his movement. "The subject and I were just getting to know one another."
"It sounded urgent sir," Vincent says his voice sounded angry.
Jaxon lets out a breath in annoyance. "Fine," he heads towards the door, Vincent slowly moves out of his way and Jaxon leaves the room.
"Are you okay?" Vincent asks me.
I let out a breath I hadn't realised I had been holding. "Y-yes, thank you."
Vincent nods, he opens his mouth as if to say more but he stops and shakes his head.
"Have a good evening Avery," was all he says and closes the door leaving me to curl up and reflect on what had just happened, I was tempted to run to doctor Cleo and tell her everything but the fear of being punished and I could not speak to Noah, he was apparently busy so I was left sitting here with nothing but my thoughts on what just happened.

I woke up the next morning feeling like I had a purpose, I sat up rubbing my eyes pushing the unwanted thoughts from last night only to let out a gasp when I saw a package on my table. I leaped out of bed to have a better look.
I picked up the card that said;

'Thank you for your cooperation - Doctor Linda.

Curiously I ripped open the package to see three new books. I quickly had a look at them. It was a book series by Susan EE; Angelfall, World After, and End of Days. They looked like they were a good book so I grabbed Angelfall, sat back on my bed and began reading. I only just made it to chapter three when a knock on my door came, I was startled by the noise but shut the book and went to answer it.
It was one of the guards.
"Breakfast is being served now," was all he said before moving on to the next room.
I quickly changed out of my clothes and looked in the closet. There really was not much difference in the clothing as it was pretty all white with the exception of my creamy cardigan; white singlets, white shorts, white shirts and jumpers and whatever. So I chose the shirt with the white tights, I grabbed the creamy cardigan and left the room. I knocked on Noah's door a few times waiting for him to answer, when he didn't I opened the door to peer inside hoping he was not in the middle of getting dressed but he wasn't even there.
"Seriously?" I muttered closing the door.
I was always waiting for Noah and we never went to breakfast without the other, I headed to the eating room where all the children were getting food and finding places to sit. The room was split in half as on the other side of the cage were the outsiders, there were guards over there watching their every move to make sure they did not speak to any of us.
I made a mental note to ask doctor Cleo about why they were made to eat in the same room as us. I scanned the room for Noah and was surprised to not see him waving like a lunatic to gain my attention.
"Weird..." I hope he did not get into trouble.
The line was not as long so I grabbed my trey waiting for breakfast, I looked over at the outsiders wondering what they have been through, what kind of lives they had before Arcane saved them.
I was just about to be served when someone started shouting.
My side froze and watched emotionless as the other side began to erupt. Usually as soon as one starts, a few would join in.
"FUCKING MOVE!" the same boy shouts as he punches a guard right in the face.
A fight between the guards and outsiders erupted, I watched with wide eyes as
"STOP!" Jaxon appears in the doorway looking furious. Everyone stopped and stared at him."What is happening?"

"You asshole!" one of them shouts.
"Now, now we're all on the same side here," Jaxon says trying to calm the situation as he usually would. "Now, what is your name?"
"I ain't fucking telling you," the boy spat.
That was not a good idea, I thought.
"Do it," Jaxon says to one of the guards.
The guard pulled out the taser and dug it into the boy's shoulder causing him to spasm on the ground.
"Take him away," Jaxon says moving aside for the guards to pick up the now unconscious boy and dragged him from the room. "Anyone else wants to join their friend?"
When no one else moved or said anything Jaxon smiled and looked around as if nothing had happened.
"Need I remind you not to cross me, you actions will have consequences and I am sure your friend will be more than happy to let you know how his punishment went. Now please take your seats and enjoy your breakfast, it is way too early for this shit."
Without another word, Jaxon exits from the room. My side of the room slowly began to fill the room with their low chatter of what just happened, I lowered my head and grabbed some eggs, toast and the cutlery with a couple of napkins and made my way over to the table with no one there, it was also the closest table to the outsiders.
I sat down taking a bite out of the toast looking around to see if Noah had come in during the fight scene but again, no where to be seen. With a sign, I started to dig into my breakfast loving every second of it when I felt a pair of eyes on me.
Without thinking, I turned to the outsiders side to see a boy with shaggy blonde hair and dark eyes staring at me. He was quite handsome but what made me uncomfortable was his stare, even with me now staring back at him was that he did not look away.
The staring contest ended when Jaxon suddenly appeared startling me.
"Good morning Avery," he says placing his hands on the table. "Did you receive the package on the table this morning?"
"Yes," I reply wiping my mouth with the napkin. "How did doctor Linda know about my choice?" I asked him.
Jaxon smiled. "Remember, you told me about it just before I was called into her office? I told her and she is beyond thrilled about your choice. You are making a very good choice Avery."

"Thank you sir, I really cannot wait to get started."
Jaxon smiled but the smile was dropped as quickly as it appeared.
"Now Avery, the real reason as to why I am here is about your friend, Noah."
"What happened? Is he okay?" I asked leaning forward worried.
Jaxon laughs. "No, I just wanted to ask some questions. Relax Avery."
Realisation sets in and I sit back down a little embarrassed about what I just did, I was somewhat glad Jaxon laughed instead of dragging me to be punished.
"I apologise, sir, I acted before thinking."
"Quite all right Avery, it happens. Now, about Noah, he is your friend correct?"
"Yes, sir."
"Has he said anything to you that is strange?"
My thoughts go back to last night about how he was busy, but I thought it was because he was requested to see someone, guess I was wrong and I was no snitch.
"No sir," I reply.
"Are you sure Avery?" Jaxon asks leaning forward. "You wouldn't lie to me now, would you?"
I swallowed straightening my back to look at him in the eye.
"No sir," I repeated. "The last time I saw Noah was just before I went to my room, he said he was not feeling well so I did not stick around."
That was the best I could do.
"Is he feeling better?" I asked innocently.
Jaxon frowns pulling out his notebook and writes some things down.
"Ah, I'll go check up on him soon," Jaxon says. He looks up, his frown deepens. "It appears someone has taken an interest in you."
I followed Jaxon's gaze to see the blonde boy still watching me, he noticed and quickly started eating his breakfast.
"I don't think so," I turned my attention back to Jaxon. "He is an outsider."
"And what do you think about them? The Outsiders?"
I shrugged. "I really don't think about them at all if I am going, to be honest, they are outsiders and we are not to speak to the outsiders."
Jaxon grins. "Thank you, Avery, I shall see you again soon."
I nodded and watched as he walked away.

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