Chapter Thirty-One

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Avery's POV

I groaned feeling like the world was crushing me, I opened my eyes sucking in a breath seeing my flashlight near the door that heads down to the car. I tried to get to my feet but felt something squeeze my arm.
"What?" I looked to my left, there was Colin. Holy shit he looked horrible. "Colin?"
"It's okay," he whispers.
"You're bleeding," I whispered.
Colin nods. "I know, are you okay?"
"Yeah..." I groaned. "What happened?"
"Well, the building came down on us and long story short, we both blacked out from the impact," he says. "Can't tell you how long we've been out though."
I groaned again.
"Shhh" Colin pressed his fingers to my lips. "Do you hear that?" he was quiet for a moment, there was a creaking sound. "Something is coming," he whispers.
I could just see the outline of his silhouette, my head was pounding and I could hear a ringing in my ears.
"Colin-" I went to speak.
"Shhh," he whispers again.
There was a sound coming from the downstairs and whatever the sound was, it was coming up the stairs which is not what we wanted. The flashlight helped with what to see as it aimed more to the opposite of the room as well as the stairs.




It was coming closer.

I covered my mouth including my nose to keep from making noise, it stepped up making this gurgling sound as it did, it was breathing heavily. From what I could see, its clothes were torn and it was barefoot, it was disgusting just looking at it. Rotting toenails, its feet were yellow and the smell, I had to hold back my gag.

It moved around the room, sniffing and searching. The infected thing was so close to us and it did not even know we were in here. It stopped sniffing, I glanced at Colin trembling in fear, my life back at Arcane was flashing before my eyes.
When we were punished, they'd strap us to a chair forcing us to endure an infected person as punishment even though the infected was chained to stop it from hurting us but this time around we were trapped and this infected was not chained. I squeezed my eyes shut trying really hard to not cry.
We were going to die.
The infected continued walking, I opened my eyes, dared to move my hands away from my mouth to look and speak to Colin.
"We need to get to the car," I whispered as softly as I could to Colin.
"Just wait," Colin whispers back. "Wait for it to leave the room."
"We need to come up with a plan, I think we should-" my sentence wasn't finished as the infected grabbed my legs, I screamed being dragged out, I twisted around it lunged at me I quickly rolled away and kicked it in the stomach, it screamed in rage.
"COLIN!" I screamed as I got to my feet back into the wall, it lunged at me.
A gunshot echoed throughout the room, the infected was distracted, I quickly ran down the stairs and hid behind a cabinet covering my mouth once more. It was so dark, I looked around my head was pounding, I rubbed the right side of my head and felt something sticky. I pulled my hand away and sniffed my hand, was that blood?
I shook my head needing to ignore the pain for now.
What I should do is that I need to run to the car and start it up, my thoughts went to Colin. He'd be fine, he was immune and he had a weapon, at least that was what I was trying to tell myself.
I was about to make my move when I could hear something coming down the stairs. I pressed myself against the wall watching wide eye, my eyes were now adjusting to the darkness when a silhouette came tumbling down.
"Fuck," it was Colin's voice.
Colin stumbles into me. I grabbed him.
"Where is it?"
"Dead, but I wouldn't be surprised if more comes," he whispers. "Let's go!"
We both dashed down the stairs again, Colin was behind me. I felt him stop, I reached the car and opened the door, thank god we left the keys in the ignition. I was about to climb in.
Screams and other horrific sounds came from the end of the tunnel, that was not good.
"Colin!" I look over, Colin was rummaging through papers and other shit. "Colin, hurry up!"
The sounds were coming closer. I could hear their footsteps.
"Hang on!"
"Listen, you piece of shit, you were yelling at me to make a move before and now you are going through a bunch of shit? Move it or I'm leaving you!" I shout at him. I look back at where the sounds were coming from, I could just see them, I screamed getting into the car and started it up but it failed.
"Oh fuck!"
I started it again but it failed again.
"FUCK!" I shout in frustration.
I tried again and it started. I laughed.
Colin throws open the back door and jumps in. "DRIVE!" he shouts.
"Right," I look down. "Umm... I don't know how!"
"Seriously?" he shouts. "This whole plan was on your driving!"

"I thought Dylan would be driving!"
I looked down at this stick and noticed the letters, I look at it.
"P... it's in parked," I whisper.
Colin and I scream as an infected jumped on top of the car. It starts to bash its head against the window, there were two more screaming coming to the windows on either side trying to get in.
"OH MY GOD!" Colin shouts.
"D IS FOR DRIVE!" I quickly shoved the stick down and slammed my foot on the pedal.
The car still did not move.
"AVERY!" Colin screams.
"SORRY!" I shout as I slammed my foot on the other pedal and we were off speeding. "I AM SO FUCKING SORRY!" I shout at him. "Where are the fucking lights?" I fiddled with the buttons looking for the lights, the wipers started moving.
"Those look like amazing lights Avery," Colin comments.
"You make one more comment and I'm kicking you out," I warned him. I found it and we both screamed again as we were heading towards a wall.
"TURN!" Colin shouts.
I grabbed the wheel and turned it, we sped around in a circle to avoid hitting the wall and continued straight.
"I THINK I'D DO A BETTER JOB!" he shouts back.
"Oh fuck you!" I growled.
We hit something and blood splattered the window. We screamed again, I flipped that switch again for the wipers to wipe the blood from the window.
"Holy shit," I whisper slowly down.
"There is so many," Colin whispers.
Just in front of us there had to be about thirty or more infected standing there, they stared at the car their mouths moving and black drool coming from their mouths.
"There are some level fives here," I say pointing to the ones that were paler than the others. "Oh fuck... we're screwed."
"The exit isn't too far... just fucking drive Avery," Colin says. "Run them over and whatever you do, don't stop."
I took a deep breath and slammed my foot onto the accelerator. We continued down the path, the infected started running towards us, if I am going, to be honest, I was shitting my pants and squealed as we hit the infected. They clawed at the windows, blood was splattered everywhere it was so fucking gross. One of the level fives jumped onto the front of the car, punched the window cracking it.
"SWERVE!" Colin shouts. "GET IT OFF THE CAR!"
I did as Colin said, I tried swerving as hard as I could and the level five swayed but it was hanging on really tight.
"It's not getting off," I clenched my teeth in frustration. "Get off my car!"
An idea came to me. I suddenly braked, Colin made an 'oft' sound as he fell forward hitting his face against my seat. I would have laughed if I was not for the level five falling off. I reversed and ran over it again making sure it was dead as we sped out.
"We make it?" Colin asks.
"Not yet," I tell him.
We were silent for a moment, the exit coming closer and the screams drowning out behind us. I did not breath until we were out of the tunnel.
"Thank fuck," I sighed.
I glanced in the review mirror, Colin was looking
"How's your face?"
"Hurts," he says rubbing his nose, I laughed.
I thought I heard him mutter the word 'bitch' which only made me laugh, even more, I turned to look at him. He was already looking at me with a smile on his face.
"What?" I ask him.
"You drove good," he says still smiling. "I'm sorry for shouting things at you, I was not in the right state of mind."
I look back at the front. "Thank you, Colin and I'm sorry as well, for shouting back at you, for threatening to kick you out of the car and thinking you were a traitor and all."
"It's okay, let's just put it all in the past now."
"That I am happy to do," I turn to smile at him again.
"WATCH OUT!" he shouts.
I turn back to see someone standing there, I swerved the car hard again but this time, the car tipped over and rolled.
The glass shattered, I hit my head against the window and when we stopped rolling I muttered about something did not bring us good luck soon, I'd end up killing the next person I see. I blinked checking out my surroundings, the car was flipped upside down. Great, I rolled my eyes.
"Colin? Colin, you good?"

I turned to see Colin was unconscious. "Colin? COLIN?"
He groans in response but that was it, he was alive and that's the important thing. I crawled over to him, there was glass everywhere, my hands, arms, and my face stung a little. The back window was shattered so we could use it to escape. I stood up and grabbed Colin hauling him up, I groaned at how heavy he was. I pushed him out, I climbed out and jumped down to grab Colin. I groaned again as I lifted him only to drop him onto the ground.
"Shit, sorry Colin," I winced.

"Put your hands up!" someone shouts, I turned to see someone with their face covered aiming a gun at me.

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