chapter 26

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Here I am waiting and waiting for Sarah to bring me my card and she then texts me and says that he ain't gone give it to me so I got pissed the fuck off,like what the hell I need to have that card cut the fuck off but how the hell was I going to do it.just when I was running of things.I got that one phone call that saved the day and they came through and helped me so as they helping me over a new card I decided to check the balance on my card and when I heard that he pulled all my money on the card I knew right there and then that I was done for good with his ass.Carlos left 8.71 on my card like I guess this nigga didn't think I would find out like what kind of man does a bitch move like that.I will never forgive him for taking my fucking money and leaving me with shave so after I found out that he took my money off my card I then order me a new card and then texted his mother and told her that her Carlos took all of my money off my card and that he owns all the money he took off my card or else I'm pressing charger's. So she agreed to play me back when she got paid cause Carlos didn't have a job so there was no way he could pay be how dare you take my card and tell me I can't have it cause I got to pay this months bills. motherfucker my name ain't on no paper work and neither is your name and how dare you say I ain't got a pot to piss in when you damn sure ain't got a pot to piss in.the house you got ain't even yours so why you even running your mouth.then the dumb mother fuck turn right back around and used accused me of sleeping with my own and cousin brandon and then said I was sleeping with tyson like nigga you is you crazy.

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