‘You are dead.’ I gasped. A few breaths of air escaped my throat, and a loud hoarse-ish cough resounded. I choked on my gasps, a sense of darkness and loneliness washed over me.

‘F-Faye?’ My voice wobbled the slightest, still not over the fact that I was talking to my deceased parents.

I had to be dead myself for me to physically be able to talk to them myself.

‘You left her.’ My mum’s voice said distantly. I could feel the withdrawal and disappointment in it.

I blinked, and an unacknowledged tear rolled down from my tear ducts, wetting the side of my face instantly.

‘I had to. I couldn’t stay there any longer!’ I almost screamed. Why was life so cruel?

‘That’s not the point. You left your sister alone, with the traitor who killed us.’ Dad spoke again, an anger building in his tone that I was quite beginning to become afraid of.

I hadn’t heard their voices for years, let alone seen them, and now I was suddenly afraid. Why was that?

‘I didn’t leave her alone! She has a mat-…’ My brain suddenly kicked in at this point, the hysterical side of me settling in to take on the valuable information handed to me.

‘Traitor?’ I whispered hoarsely.

Mum nodded, and a small yet sad smile worked its way to her face.

The darkening forest scenery was beginning to take its toll, not only was I confused as to why I had to talk to my dead parents within it, but the rapidly decreasing light was freaking my out and confusing me more than should be possible.

I looked around wildly, looking for someone to take me away from here, anyone.

I could have had my mate save me from this; he could have protected me from the hurt I was feeling.

I was so stupid! I should have stayed and at least given him a chance!

Now that Faye was gone, I had to have someone to protect and be protected by.

I let out a growl, which progressively turned into a piercing scream. I grabbed fiercely at my tufts of hair, tears streaming down my eyes.

Dropping to my knees, I screamed out more. The once fresh crisp grass had turned into damp and murky mud.

The darkness was a dark fog swarming around me, my parent’s familiar bodies disappearing almost immediately.

My scream went on through the fog, echoing within the lonely forest, echoing my life.

Waking up with a continued scream of my nightmare, I shot up out of the sheets wrapped delicately around my semi-naked body.

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