A Startling Connection

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Kirby stood in front of the now-static-y screen, his mouth wide open. Night-Nightmare had a... son?!! But... how? Why? When? And who was the mother, then?


"What? The notorioble Nightmare had a whasaton son?! I never knew such a thing!" King Dedede was also gaping at the screen, along with Escargoon, Tuff, and Tiff.

"Why, I didn't know that! In all the history books, it never said Nightmare cared for anything or anyone but power..." Tiff's eyes were even wider than usual. Tuff kept gasping in shock. Bandana Dee's spear clanged to the ground, all dignity forgotten. The dark power that had terrorized the galaxy for ages had a son! A child!

Suddenly, the ground underneath them seemed to shake. A large piece of the roof came tumbling down, nearly crushing Kirby and King Dedede.

"Wait, sire... He didn't say he was coming now, was he?" Escargoon nearly tripped on a huge chunk of ceiling that had crashed into the ground.

Kirby tried to bring himself back into reality. A huge, supposedly powerful, descendant of Nightmare was coming to destroy Kirby and his friends. (Well, Dedede and Escargoon technically didn't count as his friends, but that didn't matter at the moment.) Kirby needed to fight and destroy it, or at the very least, fend it off so it didn't hurt anyone.

Sigh... Kirby wished he had just one day. ONE DAY. Where he could do anything, everything. Act like a kid. Eat Kawasaki's cooking and not be disrupted in the middle of swallowing up all his food.

Be able to have a childhood...

But of course, he just HAD to stop everything in his daily life and save a thousand lives from utter torture, and then afterwards be framed by King Dedede and be talked-, no, gossiped about behind his back by other Cappies. Kirby knew what they said. That Kirby was a cute, but potentially dangerous and strange alien. That Kirby could suck up all the town's food. (which was technically true, but Kirby only did that to King Dedede...) There even was that time where the townsfolk all thought Kirby committed a heinous crime in the toy/snack store, where Kirby had received a bag of chips from Honey's mom, but Dedede had video-edited footage to make it look like Kirby had stolen the chips... (Luckily, Tiff had reminded all of the town how thankful they should be, that Kirby had saved the town many times but never asked for anything in return.)

"Well... here goes." Kirby inhaled a falling ceiling piece and transformed into Stone Kirby.


"Senshi Knight? Why are you blue? And why does your mask look different?"

"For the 27th time, Midori, I am not Senshi Knight. I am Meta Knight."

Meta Knight sighed, exasperated. What was wrong with Midori!?

"But you look just like Senshi Knight! You must be Senshi Knight!"

Senshi Knight. That name struck a bell in Meta Knight's head. For some reason, the name seemed awfully familiar... but then the connection to the name would flit away from his grasp, leaving Meta Knight wondering where he could have heard the name, how there was some sort of... familiarity, and who that name could possibly belong to. Perhaps one of his old cohorts had survived...

Sakura came over and poked the pondering masked knight, startling him into reality.

"Uhhh... I would hate to interrupt your ever-so deep thinking, but doesn't Senshi Knight sound an awful lot like your name?" Sakura looked into his mask with shining chestnut-brown eyes. Oh, those glimmering, sparkling eyes... Meta Knight could have stared into them all day long, studying the warm expressions and twinkling light patterns... but of course, a knight always had a life to save, or some sort of other timely task...

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