A Shocking Discovery and a Familiar Knight

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"Magolor? Mags, come in! MAGOLOR!" Sakura shrieked at the microphone hanging at the television screen's side. All she saw on the screen was some sort of... golden, fluffy star creature. No wait... that was a Luma!

"Huh?" The star creature seemed to move closer to the screen. "Hello?"

"Who are you? Is Magolor alright? Where's Midori?" Sakura tried to stay calm, but her patience was running thin.

"Well... Everyone's alright... but... except..." The star creature started to float around randomly, reluctant to speak.

"Except?" Sakura urged it to keep speaking.

"Except Midori." The star creature then pointed at the edge of the cliff, where Magolor was frozen with shock.

Sakura bit her lip and looked around to see how everyone would respond to this news.

Meta Knight had conjured a cookie out of his Dimensional cape and was now nibbling on it underneath his mask.

Kirby was trying to steal Meta Knight's cookie so he could eat it and distract himself with the splendors of food.

Bandana Dee looked like he was trying to break his spear in half.

And Tiff was banging her fists against Tuff’s feet, trying to let out her feelings all in one go.

"Hey, Magolor, what's wrong?" Sakura asked Magolor as the Luma brought the transmitter closer to him.

"Midori... she... she's," Magolor hiccuped and bit his lip.

"She's?" Sakura dreaded Magolor's answer, for fear of her worries coming true.

"She's... gone. Fell down the cliff. I can't see her." Magolor started to sob silently into his cloak.

The throne room fell silent. Kirby had managed to triumph over Meta Knight and steal the cookie, but now they were all frozen with fear. Frozen with terror of what Magolor might say next.

"I dunno, you guys... but... but I think- I think we've lost her."



Midori was screaming for her life. But no one seemed to hear her. Or see her, for that matter.

She doubted the sea that was crashing loudly against the cliff would help cushion her fall. It would likely do the opposite and increase the impact of her drop.


Ten seconds before she crashed to her death. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four.






A lone figure was walking across the sandy dunes of the once monster-infested beach, pleased at his work on defending the citizens of the Mushroom Kingdom from that mysterious Dark Star...

He wrapped his dark green cloak around him to shield himself from the howling winds that blew by, and looked at the magnificent view of the huge, eerie ocean, its raging waves crashing mercilessly into the stubborn rocks...

Wait... was that... a Waddle Dee?! Falling from the sky?!

No... that wasn't a Waddle Dee... It wasn't... the coloring was odd...

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