Out of Control

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Meta Knight flew towards the volcano, lost in thought.

If Sakura died... or if someone died because he couldn't save them in time... If he hadn't reached Magolor and Midori in time... If what the Dark Essence made him envision was actually real... If someone bled at the hands of Yami because of him...

No. He wouldn't allow it. Death would not be an option. It would never be an option. He would rather take the place of a dying friend than helplessly watch another one of his dear friends become lifeless.

'One of you present here will die at his hands to subdue him.' 

The words echoed inside of him as he sighed and drew his sword, the blade gleaming in the sunlight. Once he got within landing distance of his destination, he withdrew his wings back into his cape and touched down on the rim of the volcano with a heavy heart.

"Landia, show yourself. If you attempt any trickery or show any dishonor towards me, I will be forced to use my sword on you."

Landia's head surfaced from the rising lava and snorted out smoke through her nostrils. Meta Knight twisted his sword so that it gleamed brightly in the sunlight, sharp edges facing up menacingly.

Your sword is useless against me.

Landia spoke with a deep, masculine voice quite unlike her own. Meta Knight narrowed his eyes and crouched down, ready to attack, then gasped as he saw something glimmer on top of Landia's head in the rays of the sun.

" It can't be..." Meta Knight murmured under his breath. "But..."

Meta Knight looked at his sword, then back at Landia, a sigh escaping his mouth. He knew what he had to do, and he was going to do it, but in no way would it be an easy task.

"I have to get that off of Landia."


Eyes glued to the ground, Midori hobbled back and forth on her good right leg, in one of the training rooms aboard the Lor Starcutter, then bumped into Magolor for the umpteenth time, winced, and sighed.

"Magolor, quit joking around. I'm trying to be serious."

"Serious about what?" Magolor leaned on her right shoulder, much to her discomfort, and grinned.

"You know already. We've been through this conversation a million times." Midori sighed yet again, then brushed him off of her and continued her limping.

"I could have forgotten." Magolor followed her as she moved.

"Y'know, about Meta Knight and all... I'm scared that he's being a tad bit too reckless right now... Wow.... me calling Meta Knight reckless... but... I mean... can he really go up against Landia and that... dark volcano and win, single-handedly?"

Magolor shrugged. "You're the one who idolizes the guy, yet here you are, doubting him. I'm sure he'll be fine. After all, he's Meta Knight, the wielder of Galaxia and the ultimate Warrior of the Galaxy, only usurped by our one and only Kirby of the Stars."

"But there's a first time for everything."

"Look, if you're so worried about him, why don't you ask someone to check up on him? Or check on him yourself?"

Midori stopped and looked at him. "We got roasted, literally, by that.... thing. I don't want anyone in that type of danger."

"But Meta Knight?"

"But... well... I guess I could ask Rosalina or Sakura. They'd stand a chance against that monster thingie... Right?" she said and glanced at Magolor, looking for an answer.

The Fate of Dreamland: A Kirby Storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें