The Mother of all Lumas and a Purple Ribbon

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“I’m right here, child.” Rosalina polished the tip of her wand, the golden star. “Don’t worry.”

A black hole stood in the place where the Galactic Nova had been, the air around it morphing into Dark Essence.

“I’m supposed to report back to the Star Warriors…” The Luma hesitated to go.

“I think I’ll go visit them. I haven’t seen Meta Knight and Kirby for a long time…”


Wait… no… that wasn’t Waddle Dee!

That was Waddle Doo!

“Hey, Waddle Doo! Get over here!” Tuff shouted.

“Urrhhhh….” Waddle Doo stumbled over, still pretty dazed. “Yes?”

"What's wrong? What happened to all the Waddle Dees?" Sakura asked.

"Well..." Waddle Doo sat down. "All the Waddle Dees were doing their jobs, just as usual. But suddenly, we felt this strong wind pullin' on us, like a-a tornado or somethin'. But the unusual part was this. There was no hurricane or tornado or anythin', only a mysterious dark-colored vortex in the sky. Anyways, the winds carried away all of the Waddle Dees except for me an' a couple o' others."

Meta Knight covered himself in his cloak, pondering this incident. Black holes like the ones Waddle Doo described were rarely spotted in the skies... Those kinds almost usually never formed... Unless...

"The only way powerful black holes can form in the Galaxy of Stars, the galaxy Popstar is in, is if the Nova is-" Meta Knight cut off his words, the conclusion too daunting to say aloud in front of everyone, but Tiff said it for him.

"Destroyed." Tiff shuddered.

They all stood/sat in silence as the news was slowly comprehended in their minds.

"Waiiit." Kirby cocked his head. "I've defeated Nova before though... But he didn't turn into a black hole then, poyo. So how could he be a black hole now?"

Meta Knight sighed. "I don't know, but I assume that there must have been an essence of Nova's heart that lived on, too weak to do anything but float around space and hope for the best. I also assume that bits and parts of Nova may have been salvaged by Galacta Knight or Marx..."

"But how... how did he just... get destroyed?" Sakura inhaled deeply, her hands playing around with the blossom pinned onto her head.

"Hey! Poyo! Look!" Kirby pointed at a floating figure in the sky. A floating princess, to be certain, for the figure had on a glimmering tiara. Meta Knight squinted, then gasped as he saw a golden-haired, blue-eyed woman possessing a certain Luma star-powered wand.

"That-that's Princess Rosalina. The Mother of all Lumas. The Princess of the Cosmos. The Lady of the Shooting Stars." Meta Knight stared in awe, completely unaware of the strange looks directed towards him.

Magolor smirked. "Hey, Dori, sounds like Meta Knight has a cru-"

Meta Knight and Sakura both turned to glare at him. 

"I do not have a crush on Rosalina!"

"He just really, really admires her. A lot. And wants to meet her in person. And get her autograph."

Magolor rolled his eyes. "Same thing."

Suddenly, a bright light shone through the open window they were looking out of, and the lady called Rosalina slowly floated down towards them.

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