A Fluffy, Pink Stranger and the Dangers of the Miracle Fruit

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"Kirby! I told you not to play around with your Warp Star!" Meta Knight scolded Kirby. Kirby just put on an adorable apologetic face, his sky blue eyes shimmering in the sunlight.

'Daawwww! He's so cute! How can Meta Knight scold him?!' Midori squeezed Kirby's pink fluffy cheeks as he looked at Midori with puppy eyes. Then the ground suddenly started shaking.

"Kirby, what have you done this time?!!" Escargoon huffed. Kirby looked at Escargoon quizzically.

"Huh? Poyoo?"

A beanstalk-like plant appeared next to Midori and sprouted. Dangling next to her from a branch was a plump, juicy-looking fruit. She suddenly had an incredible urge to pluck it from its stem and eat it. "Don't! That's a-" Meta Knight began to say, but Midori grabbed the fruit and ate it, knowing that she shouldn't, but somehow, she couldn't resist... [It was just too tempting... Too colorful... Too... miraculous to resist...]

"Miracle fruit..." Meta Knight groaned, finishing his sentence too late. Unfortunately, Kirby had planted Miracle fruit seeds all over Dedede's castle courtyard. They often popped up at random moments, though usually in unoccupied areas. The fruits' effects were rather... strange. And EXTREMELY dangerous. If Midori didn't spit out the fruit, her life would be in very deep trouble. The Miracle Fruit could choose to inhale her insides, if the Hypernova powers went unused, or worse, have her remain a horrible, dangerous, vacuum, destined to kill and eventually die in the most terrible, painful way possible.

All at the mercy of a fruit...

Midori felt a sudden urge to swallow everything in front of her. "MIDORI HUNGRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!" she screamed, not realizing that she shouldn't have been able to speak, considering she was a Waddle Dee, and Waddle Dees didn't have mouths. (no one else realized this either, since they were too busy trying to not die a young death.)

[...well, Meta Knight's not exactly YOUNG, but you get the point.]

She opened her mouth and swallowed a whole tree, then smiled and glanced at her surroundings, looking for more to eat.

"RUN! POYO!" Kirby screamed. Kirby had encountered the Miracle fruit in his travels, and even had used it himself to defeat enemies. As far as he knew, Kirby was the only creature able to control the effects of the fruit. Midori sure couldn't, by the looks of it. 

"Midori! I think that is your name... Well, Midori! Please, reject the Miracle Fruit's powers! It will save you!" Meta Knight said in a calm, collected tone, though his dark gray eyes betrayed fear.

Midori frowned. Huh? All she was doing was eating everything in front of her... Wait... Eating everything in front of her?! 

That didn't sound right...

She stopped for a moment and glanced straight ahead. A group of Waddle Dees stood frozen with fear. What was she doing? Midori had to fight the urge! But it was too powerful... She couldn't possibly stop...

"Must eat... no don't... but... AHHHHHH!" With one final shudder, Midori spat out the piece of fruit and fell unconscious.

"Midori! Poyo!" Kirby shouted out worriedly.





WHAT!!? Who are you? And WHY are you in my mind?

"It's me, the author. You need to wake up. The story can't go on without you."

But I'm tired.


'I don't think so. You're trying to force me to do something. That's being mean. I don't like meanies.'

...Please? I'm sorry! Besides, I'm your creator.


I was the one who breathed air into your soul! Without me, you would be-

.... Yeah, yeah. But what does this have to do with me?

Look, you will die if you don't wake up, and my story's going to be incomplete if you're not there. Now PLEASE WITH MAXIM TOMATOES ON TOP WAKE UP-

Fine... I don't want to die, anyways.


Midori opened her eyes and saw a crowd of figures above her, staring at her. They immediately burst into chatter when she woke up.

"Are you alright, poyo?"

'Hey goodie dee! You okay?'

"I did say not to eat the fruit. You should have listened to me. Nonetheless, are you feeling better?"

An unfamiliar yet perky voice also spoke: "Hey there! Are you alright? Meta Knight told me a child Waddle Dee was sick, so my instincts took over and I came as fast as I could!"

Midori rubbed her eyes and saw Meta Knight, the lead Waddle Dee who always wore a bandana, a pink figure who she remembered Meta Knight calling "Kirby", and a figure that looked like a Waddle Dee, but had a cherry blossom pinned on their forehead and a pink (was that a Dimensional series?) cape.

"Huh? Who-who are you?" she asked the Waddle Dee with the cherry blossom. Suddenly, Midori gasped. She could talk! Midori could finally talk! But how was this possible? Waddle Dees didn't have mouths... She scrunched up her head and tried to remember what happened before she fell into a comatose state... Oh right, she had eaten the Miracle fruit. It must've done something to her insides... Figures. That wasn't exactly the most normal fruit she had eaten. Nor was it smart for her to eat it.

"I had a really weird dream about a crazy author lady..." Midori mumbled.

"Huh? What was that? Oh, my creator goes crazy too! Anyways, I'm Sakura, and originally, I came by to visit Meta Knight before volunteering at the new Cappy Town nursery, but then I heard that a sick Waddle Dee child was here, and I just couldn't resist trying to help!" the girl Waddle Dee said excitedly.

"How-how do you know Meta Knight?" Midori was still trying to get over the shock and amazement of being able to speak.

"Oh, we're really good friends! Really, REALLY good friends! Don't worry about Meta Knight, all those rumors you've heard are false. In reality he's just a big sweethea-" Sakura rambled on before Meta Knight stopped her.

"I think I'd prefer people not remembering me as a romantic sweetheart," Meta Knight muttered to Sakura. Kirby and the bandana Waddle Dee laughed. Midori smirked. Meta Knight, a romantic sweetheart? Yeah, right. She'd believe it when she saw it.

"INCOMING-" a Waddle Doo ran into the room, opened the window behind Sakura, and jumped out.

"What was that about?" Midori asked no one in particular, and they all shrugged. However, she didn't have to wait long in order to find out why.

All of a sudden, another deafening crash could be heard coming from the courtyard yet again.

"What is it this time? Poyo?" Kirby curiously looked outside.

"At this rate, I'll be deaf before you can say 'Lor Starcutter'!" Meta Knight groaned.

"Speaking of which, it IS the Lor Starcutter! And Magolor!" Sakura jumped up excitedly from the window.

Meta Knight groaned again and uttered what seemed like a curse under his breath.

The Fate of Dreamland: A Kirby StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang