Tiffany Ebrum Comes Back to Town

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"Poyo! Poyo!"

Tiff heard a high-pitched, cheery voice as she started getting closer to Dedede's castle. She refused to call him "King" Dedede. Dedede acted nothing like a king, so why should she give him that respect?

"Poyo! Yay Meta Knight, poyo!"

That high-pitched tone. Again, it sounded familiar, but who did it belong to? And that name...

Then a low-toned, heavily accented voice spoke.

"Yes, Kirby, we seem to have come out victorious, this time. But next time... perhaps not."

Wait... that- that voice. It could only belong to one certain individual... one certain knight.

Tiff came running up the pathway, eager to see if it was indeed who she thought it was.

And it was.

"Sir Meta Knight!" she cried out happily. "You're still alive!"

Even though Meta Knight had almost never ever been caught off guard before (except for that time Midori Dee almost saw him with his mask off), he sure was astonished to see Tiff running towards him cheerfully.

"Tiffany Ebrum. What a pleasant surprise!" Meta Knight's eyes glowed a light orange and sky blue for happiness.

Tiff had always thought that in the past decade, Meta Knight would've changed a lot, but it didn't seem like it... yet.

An unfamiliar Waddle Dee came wandering by; however, this Waddle Dee looked quite strange. For starters, she had a mouth. She also had a Dimensional Cape draped on her back, the same as Meta Knight's, only pink, and a cherry blossom pinned onto her forehead.

"Who's your little friend here, Meta?" the Waddle Dee asked happily. Tiff assumed the Waddle Dee was a girl.

"Hey, I'm Tiffany! Tiffany Ebrum, but you can call me Tiff. What about you?" Tiff smiled at the Waddle Dee.

"I'm Sakura Dee! And do you know the rest of the crew?" Sakura grinned brightly in return.

"Well, not really. Who's that floating blue guy over there, the Waddle Dee with the bandana, and the golden Waddle Dee with turquoise feet?"

"Magolor the diabolical Halcandran, the heroic Bandana Dee, and Midori the... Strange Dee."

*For those of you who don't know Tiff, go watch Kirby: Right Back At Ya'! and then read this chapter. Or Google her.*

"Strange Dee? Why's that?"

"Well... she kinda has these odd fits... like... from time to time it seems like a dark power is... possessing her."

Tiff squinted and cocked her head. She didn't see anything strange about her. Maybe it was happening on the inside... Maybe she was a demon in disguise... She shuddered. She'd had enough of demons to last a lifetime.

Suddenly, the guy called Magolor looked at her and came over. "Hey, who're you?"

"Tiffany. Tiffany Ebrum. But everyone calls me Tiff."

"I'm Magolor, but everyone insists on calling me Magsies, or Mags, or some other horrific nickname."

Midori the Strange Dee came by and laughed. "Hey, I still call you Magolor, though Maggie is a totally amazing name for you."

Magolor harrumphed, and Tiff giggled. These two were starting to grow on her. "So, are you both related somehow? I never saw any Waddle Dees speak in my day..."

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