Portals, Vortexes, Worm Holes, and A Rift in the Time Space Continuum

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Midori was the first to start getting into action.

"Magolor! Grab my paw!"

Magolor was currently getting sucked into some kind of... purple-blue-ish vortex on the ground. Oddly enough, no one else was getting sucked in, but then again, no one else was in its direct vicinity.

"Midori! Be careful! If you get too close, it may tug you in as well!" Meta Knight shouted, flying over to help. As much as he hated Magolor, the Halcandran still did not deserve to be dissolved or tortured in a vortex. No one did.

"Hey Meta, what is that thing? A... portal?" Sakura asked while flying alongside him.

"I am not sure, but it may be a rift in Dreamland's protection of the separation of dreams and nightmares. It happens quite randomly, but is very dangerous to the victim it decides to suck up. If Magolor goes in, he is likely to be done for. All his dreams will turn into nightmares, and he will be overcome with a sense of fear and doom, which will let the darkness consume him," Meta Knight tried to explain as quickly as possible. Sakura's face contorted into worry.

"So, if Magolor goes in, he dies?" Midori yelled, having overheard Meta Knight and Sakura's conversation.

The knight nodded with a grim expression underneath his mask, and Midori frantically began tugging on Magolor's cloak even harder.

"Everyone! Pull!" Midori screamed as Kirby and Bandana Dee ran over as well, but at that moment the portal decided to inhale her as well. Both Magolor and Midori were sucked in, with little to no chance of surviving.


Magolor rubbed his head and groaned. "Urrghh... Where am I?"

Something moaned next to him.

"Ugh, I think I hit my head..."

Magolor opened his eyes and squinted through the glaring sunlight. Was that... "Midori?"

"Huh? Ye-a-ah?" Midori groaned again. "Ugh, we should never travel like that again..."

Magolor looked at his surroundings. Hopefully, they weren't too far away from his ship, the Lor Starcutter... Suddenly, a creature with a brown triangle-like shape for a head and a tiny brown body with two brown oval feet and no hands started waddling towards them, baring their sharp white fangs.

"Oooh... That thing does not look friendly. Ouch!" Midori yelped as the small brown creature bit her foot. "That hurt, you know!"

It shrugged, blinked, then automatically went on to biting Magolor. "Oh, no you don't!" Magolor flew away before it could attack him.

"Where are we?" Magolor looked around in the glaring sun and suddenly spotted a brick block floating in the air. "That's strange... I've never seen the likes of that in Dreamland before..."

He glided over, instinctively punched the brown block with all his might, and caught the red-topped mushroom that popped out of the block.

"Hey, isn't that..." Midori started to say, realization dawning upon her.

"A mushroom! From the Mushroom Kingdom! We must be in the Mushroom Kingdom!" Magolor squeaked excitedly, throwing the mushroom to Midori.

"So that means that brown creature was... a Goomba?" Midori gasped.

Magolor instantly flew up to get a better view of the area. "Okay, good. Wait... no, not good!"

"What's wrong?"


Midori face-palmed when she heard this. OF COURSE the Lor Starcutter wasn't here! Hadn't they just travelled thousands of miles through a vortex to a different kingdom?!?!

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