The Dark Essence

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Magolor shook his head. Wait... if he was in this memory... then shouldn't he have known this already? Shouldn't it also be one of his memories? He skimmed through his memories of Halcandra and found nothing relevant to Midori and Marx being related... That was weird... Maybe the Master Crown had done something to his mind when he had worn it and changed into his Dark Soul... Hmm...

Suddenly, a wave of images seemed to mentally crash into him, fighting for his attention, his senses overflowing with vivid pictures, sounds, smells, opinions...

"Hey, hey Magolor? You okay?" They had warped back into reality while Magolor had been caught up in his thoughts. "Mags?"

"Uhh... I'm... fine... Just... confused." Magolor struggled to find the right words for his conflicting emotions. So many scenes were swimming around in his mind... It was like... somehow... all his memories had come back from being trapped and locked into a corner of his mind, just waiting to be freed. Midori's flashback had been the "key" that released them...

"Midori! Magolor! We were worried! We thought a Goomba had eaten you! Please tell us before you go off on some pointless walk into Toad Town!" Meta Knight came towards them, wrapping himself up in his blue cape, his eyes a fierce shade of white.

"Pointless? I hardly think that Midori's flash-" Magolor was going to retort, but Midori kicked his back and interrupted him in a perky voice. "So, what happened while we were gone?"

Meta Knight looked grave, even for his usual standards. "We heard some very bad news. I talked to Tiff on the transmitter you found, and she says the 'Dark Lord' is actually Nightmare's son, and he's heading towards Castle Dedede to launch an attack. We need to go, quickly, to help, before it is too late."

"Then where's Sakura?" Magolor tried to wrap his cloak around himself like Meta Knight to look "mysterious" (and to hide the fact that he was limping), but it had no effect. "Dang, how do you do that cloak wrap? I mean, it's totally swagolor, but I can't do it properly!"

Meta Knight's eyes turned pink for a second and he chuckled, but then his eyes faded back to a stern white hue. "We need a fast way to get back to Dreamland. While I was talking to Tiff, Sakura had an idea about the Luma helping us get there faster, but I do not know where she is now."

"Ya' know, I always wondered. Is Tiff like your sister or something? How did you get to know her?" Magolor flew around in circles for no particular reason.

"Well, when Kirby first crashed into Dreamland in his star spaceship, the townsfolk and the royal castle residents had no idea what he was, or who he was. Later, out of jealousy, King Dedede started ordering even more monsters to kill Kirby. As you know, Kirby killed all of the monsters AND Nightmare. During that time, Tiff, Tuff, and I worked the hardest in order to protect Kirby from sly traps set by Escargoon and the king, and in that time, we were able to get to know each other better."

Magolor was about to tease Meta Knight about Tiff, but of course Meta just had to figure out what he was about to say and glare at him.

At that moment, Sakura came bounding towards them, golden Luma in hand and the Mario Brothers trailing behind her.

"I've got an idea. But I'll need your help. We need to buy up as many Starbits as we can!"


Kirby trembled with fear. Well, as much as he could tremble with the Stone Copy Ability.

If that monster was as strong as Nightmare... Poyo! *yikes!*

No. Kirby refused to think about how powerful the monster's true form could be...

"Kirby!!! I think... I think he's here!" Tiff fought to keep her balance as the ground started to shake even harder.

The Fate of Dreamland: A Kirby StoryUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum