Part Thirty-three

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-Third Person Point of View-
Devan was smiling wide once Emma's beautiful figure came into view; Emma smiled back. Little Prince Devan was wearing a red tie that perfectly matches Princess Emma's red dress. They were so adorable; all living in a fictional world where there is only happiness.

"Shall we?" Devan asked, his arm out fpr Emma's arm to intertwine with. She nodded, taking his arm. Together they walked to a car, with Mr. Key driving. "Here, let me take that," Devan quickly said when Emma tried to open the door. She blushed, like a lighter shade of her dress, and smiled before going inside and thanking her Prince. Devan dismissed it.

I hope everything goes well, Emma thought. Deep inside, she still hoped that maybe this date is gonna help her confusing mind to pick one guy. She still hoped it was Devan.

I hope everything goes well, Devan thought. He's got all the place rented and food to be just right and perfect for the both of them. He hoped that this date would be a great one.

Emma looked at Devan, once their doors were shut, and intertwined their fingers. Devan pulled her closer, so that there was no space in between them anymore. She rested her head on Devan's shoulder, while he rested his head on top of hers. They looked like a happy, smiley couple; young love just like they say.

But that's the thing with smiles. Anyone can smile; they smile when they're happy, when they're annoyed, or when they're trying to hide the demon-like thoughts clawing in their hearts.

Emma pushed those demons away once they finally arrived the venue, the trip short and silent.

"After you, my lady." Devan once again said with a bit of exaggeration. She giggling, telling him to stop doing that because she was a big girl who can handle herself. 

They both sat on the intimate booth with dark blue leather coverings. The lighting of the restaurant was not too dim for it to look like a bar or club. It was well lighted, Emma thought to herself. Devan asked a waiter passing by for two menus, and the waiter gladly gave them before calling out another waiter to give the two couples some water. 

They both quietly took the menus, asking each other which one looks good. Emma chose the cheapest meals, and Devan was noticing it. "Emma," He started, placing his hand on top of hers, which was just laying on the middle of the table. He gently rubbed his thumb on hers, as he said, "I know what you're trying to do. It's okay, Princess. I'll be paying so feel free to choose anything you like that is not because of the price." He said with a gentle voice. She couldn't look at him, because she was embarrassed that she was caught. 

Finally, she smiled at him and nodded, before choosing the seafood pasta and a Caesar salad. Devan smiled back, feeling happy that she choose something she liked. He just chose a roasted chicken meal with a side soup. 

"Should we think about our deserts now? We can tell them to serve them later on." Devan offered, looking at the 'deserts' section of the menu, and so did Emma. I want this date to be long and enjoyable," He thought. But just when Devan was about to tell her about this classic chocolate cake from the menu, Emma spoke first. 

"I have a better place to have desserts," She said with a tinkle in her eyes and small smile on her lips. He nodded and asked where, but she said she wanted it to be a surprise. Devan cutely pouted in which Emma just chuckled at. 

After that, they ordered their meals and started talking. 

"I know we talk about this a lot, but I just want to be sure," Emma started the conversation. They talked a lot about different random things, from how the temperature of their room was off, to how they'll be once Devan is gone. Devan hopes for a conversation about a lighter subject, but Emma wanted the opposite. 

"What if... what if our feelings chance once wee're apart?" Emma's voice was small and hesitant in asking. Devan was taken aback. He looked down at his hands laid on his legs, while Emma studied his actions and expressions. Just when Emma's was about to take back the question, Devan finally answered. 

"Then... then we should tell each other about it." Devan's voice was just as small as hers. Emma was expecting with more of an immature answer like, 'No, that'll never happen!' or something else. But Devan answered with a solution to the problem, and not an event. 

Emma felt her chest tighten. 

She wanted to tell him about her feelings. 

But she wanted to wait. 

So she did and playfully kicked Devan from below the table. "Now, let's forget about that. Let's talk about how good you look in that attire," Emma said, with giggle. Devan smiled and chuckled, playfully flexing in front of her, as if to impress. Emma just giggled as he did, and then they exchanged compliments. Well, from complimenting each other, to complimenting the other people's attires, to judging the waitress' uniforms. 

"I mean, look! Her cleavage is showing," Emma said, giggling, pointing at the waitress who was obviously flirting with the rich man who literally has a wife just beside them. "It looks kind of fake..." Devan trailed away, squinting his eyes before realizing what he's doing. "N-not that I enjoy it!" Devan said, and Emma laughed. 

"Maybe I should borrow her boobs for a day so you could look at me too," Emma joked around, buffing her chest out as if to have huge boobs. Devan cringed, pretending to gag. The two of them laughed before a waiter suddenly came, with our steaming food. 

"Finally, I was starving," Devan said and Emma couldn't have agreed more. They ate their food in silence, with occasional scraping of utensils on place, and slurps from their iced tea. 

All of a sudden, Devan's hands snaked its face to Emma's cheek. Emma flinched at the sudden touch and furrowed her eyebrows. "What?" She said, swallowing her seafood pasta. Devan let out a breathy chuckle, wiping of the sauce from the corner of her lips, tasting it himself. Emma blushed and rolled her eyes at how cheesy this date was.

Emma chuckled at how cheesy and stupid their relationship was. 

Devan shrugged innocently, saying, "Couldn't help myself. Although I should have kissed the sauce off instead of just wiping it off," He said, looking like he really did regret his move. Emma laughed at him, telling him to stop being all cute. 

He shrugged again, "Sorry, I was born with cheese in my blood," He said.

"Is that why you're so tasty?" Emma talked back, earning a smirk from Devan. 

"You hypocrite, you call me cheesy when in the end you are as well." They chuckled. 

"Continue eating, Mr. Cheese. We still have a desert place to go to,"

this whole book is so fudging cheesy. ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sorryyyyyyyyyy,,, also i didn't reread this chap so... sorry for the mistakes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Far or Near?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora