Part Twenty-three

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After a few moments of comforting silence and the chirping of the birds, Emma sighed and finally spoke up. "It's Ethan..." She whispered, looking at the wind. "What? What did he do to you?" I questioned, facing her with my fists and jaws clenched. "He... he  said that he has feelings for me, Devan. God, and he kissed me!!! He's  my best friend and he kissed me!" My jaw dropped and my blood boiled. "He what ?!" I exclaimed. "I had to tell you this because I think you needed to know." She mumbled and rested her head on my chest and I automatically wrapped my arms around her tightly. 

"Do you want me to punch him?" I joked and made her chuckle. "Devan, you can't even hurt an ant!" She giggled out and so did I. "Yes I can!" I defensed myself but she just laughed before everything settled into a comforting silence again. "....I could still tell someone to punch him though..." She laughed once again and that made me smile. That's all I want. For my princess to be happy. 

We went to Emma's house after we both ate pancakes and ice cream for breakfast even if we already ate a little something. When I opened the door, the first thing we saw was Ethan, pacing back and fourth but halted to a stop after he heard us come in. "Ethan," I said almost coldly, wrapping a protective arm around my girlfriend. "May I talk to you for a moment?" I told him and he hesitantly nodded. "Stay in your room, okay princess?" I whispered sweetly at Emma and kissed her temple. She smiled and nodded before whispering back, "Don't punch him. Please." I smirked and nodded. "No promises." I whispered back and she chuckled before she ran to her room.

"So, Devan." 


Emma's POV
I lied on my bed, while Hazel sat by the end of my bed. "So Ethan has a crush on you ever since?!" She exclaimed, bewildered. I sighed and nodded. "No wonder why he was protective of you back then," She said and shook her head at me. "And why he was giving random gifts on random and special days." I added before groaning and closing my eyes. 

"Why the hell do I do!" I exclaimed. "Should I push him away or stay friends with him?" I asked through the wind. "Well, if I were you, I'd push him awaaaaay from me." She said. But I couldn't do that. I'm too kind and soft to Ethan even after kissing me and finding out he likes me as hell. "I can't. I'm too kind to him, Hazel!" I groaned in frustration. "It's your choice, Em." She said and hugged me tight which I returned. 

"Do you think Devan will be choking Ethan at this very moment?" She said, out of the blue, making me chuckle. "Devan can't hurt an ant." I told her. "Well, ants are innocent. Ants don't go around liking someones girlfriend, Em." She said and that actually made me worry. "Oh God should we check up on them???" I asked worriedly and tried to get out of her grip but she didn't budge.

"Nahhh. Let boys be boys, Emma!" She said and laughed. "Hazel let me go!" I whined and tried to get out but can't. "Shhhh. Quiet!" She said and laughed again. "Damn it, Hazel." I shouted but she just continued to laugh. 

im sorry this is short :(( plz bare with me guyzzz

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