Part Twenty

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(a/n: you have made it to the twentieth part of this story. IM SO PROUD OF U)

  Emma's POV
"CLAIRE WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!" It was from a guy. A guy in gray shirt that has a doodle of a chocolate bar, some pair of green sweatpants, and a pair of black slippers. He still has his brown hair in a messy style like always. Ethan. 

But Ethan and that witch?!

"Great. My step brother is here to ruin my plans like always!" Claire complained while glaring at Ethan. What?! 'Stepbrother'?! "I just got here, Claire, and you're greeting me with a kidnapped  someb-" He paused. He paused when my brown eyes met with his hazel eyes. His whole body froze. Everything was silent. I can tell the others were confused but me and Ethan aren't. 

"You didn't kidnapped any person. You kidnapped my goddamn best friend!" Ethan finally broke the silence with his sudden shout at Claire, making me and Claire flinch. "That's your best friend?!" Claire asked in disbelief. I turned to Devan to see his reaction. He was shocked... i think. I can't read his face anymore. "Get out, Claire. Along with your f*cking guards." Ethan commanded. Claire was about to protest but Ethan blocked her out by commanding her again, only louder where she (along with her body guards) finally left. 

"Oh my God, Emma. I can't believe you're one of Claire's... enemies or whatever she thinks of you." Ethan quickly said right after we heard the click of the door. "I-it's okay." I managed to squeak out as my best friend and my  boy friend removed me from the chair and the second I got free, i quickly pulled those two in a hug. "Everything is fine now, Em." Ethan whispered to my ear and nodded in response. "I love you, Emma." Devan whispered in my other ear, melting my heart and making me smile. "I love you more, Devan." I whispered back, removing my arm from Ethan and hugging Devan tightly, Ethan stepping back. 

Devan pulled away yet our hands still on each other's bodies, smiles plastered on our lips. 

But then Ethan's cough made me stand up from my chair and Devan to step back. "I think we should... get going and talk about stuff later." Ethan suggested. We nodded in reply before the three of us going out the basement but going out the house in a different path. On the way, though, Devan's hand crept to mine and intertwined them. I smiled and looked at him while he looked back with the same bright smile that I was wearing. I love him so much. 

Ethan's POV
They looked so wonderful together, so sweet and perfect. My heart clenched as I watch them in the basement up to when we arrived my car. Devan opened the door for Emma. A gesture I was just about to do. Just like I always do to Em...

I sighed and got inside the driver's seat, asked them whose address to choose (they choose the Anderson's! F*ck yes!) and started to drive there. The drive was quiet... for me. For the two love birds in the back, nope. They just whispered stuff to each other, probably sweet stuff, judging their blushes and giggles. 

If you're asking how I feel, imagine seeing your childhood crush be with his or her boyfriend or girlfriend while you have to sit there and watch them be all lovey dovey and you try to be supportive (but you actually can't). 

So yeah. I like Emma. Since.... probably years ago, when we were kids. And yeah. I'm hopeless. 

"We're here." I mumbled, turning off the car and hopping out. I opened the door to Emma's side and I smiled at myself. Ha, beat that, Devan. You got out before your girl! You should open the door for her but I got first. Ha! 

I was surprised when I felt her arm link around mine and I automatically linked mine back. Then it clicked and we both smiled at each other. "I remember this thing we had!" I said and we both chuckled. "I don't know how you still remembered how we do this almost every time before and after school." I questioned and rested my chin on her head as we take small steps to her front door. "It's just... an automatic thing when I'm around you." She answered with a smile and I smiled back. 

She rang the door bell and the door suddenly yanked open, as if they've been expecting us. Oh wait, I almost forgot my best friend got kidnapped by my step sister. "EMMA! Oh my God!" Mrs. Anderson cried out and hugged Emma tightly while me and Devan watch awkwardly at the back. Soon enough, Mr. Anderson and Hazel joined the reunion. I smiled at them but I suddenly had a pang of pain in my chest..... I missed my family...

"Devan come i- Ethan is that you?!" I heard the one and only Hazel said. I looked at her and replied, "No. I'm an alien trying to abduct your sister." She rolled her eyes but laughed at my response before she engulfed me in a hug. "Come in! Both of you!" Mrs. Anderson chirped and we did as told. 

Once we were all settled in their living room, Mr. Anderson asked us. "What the hell happened?!" 


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